All instructions are written for Ubuntu 16.04 that you started using in Software Development Tools (CS165). The Luther College Ubuntu image comes with Netbeans and OpenJDK preinstalled. If you need to install JDK and Netbeans, use the Netbeans/JDK bunle specific for your platform. It's your responsibility to make the necessary changes if you are using a different OS (macOS, Windows, other flavors of Linux) or IDE.
- Check the version of Java you have installed:
java -version
andjavac -version
should return something like1.8.0_144
. It's fine to see a different version, but ifjava
is not a recognized command, you need to install JDK. - Fork java-class-pub repository on GitHub. If you are going to access your repository via SSH, add your public key to your GitHub account. See Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account - User Documentation for details.
- Start Netbeans and choose Team\Remote\Clone from the menu.
- Enter your repository's URL. As I'm going to use SSH authentication, my URL is
[email protected]:yasiro01/java-class-pub.git
in this tutorial. It's
for HTTPS access. If you don't have SSH keys, follow the GitHub tutorials on Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent - User Documentation or Using PuTTYgen on Windows to generate SSH key pairs | SSH.COM. You can also use HTTPS access and authenticate via username/password. - If you are using SSH, choose authentication with Private/Public Key and browse to pick your id_rsa file. Mine is in
. Enter the passphrase you used when generated the keys. - If you are using HTTPS, choose authentication with username/password and enter your GitHub credentials.
- Specify the target parent directory. Mine is
. - Click Next and proceed to the branch selection.
- You should see a single branch, master, already selected. Click Next to proceed to the final step.
- You will see you parent directory, clone name, checkout branch, and the remote name. Click Finish to complete the process.
- The repository contains project configuration files, so it should be immediately recognized by Netbeans as a valid project.
- Netbeans has a graphical interface to Git that you can access either via Team menu or the project context menu. You can also use terminal and execute git commands there.
- I recommend that you keep my code templates from the upstream as a separate branch (master) of your repository. See git - Pull new updates from original GitHub repository into forked GitHub repository - Stack Overflow for an answer or Syncing a fork - User Documentation for more details. The following command should work:
git remote add upstream
. - Create a separate branch (exercise1, exercise2, etc.) for each assignment. See Create a new branch with git and manage branches · Kunena/Kunena-Forum Wiki for details. Don't do it in advance, wait until I publish the relevant code.
- Once you feel comfortable about Git, GitHub, and branching, look at GitHub: How to make a fork of public repository private? - Stack Overflow. Create a new private repository java-class-yourname and add
as an upstream so you could pull the latest code templates from me.
- Installing Linux in Our Lab | The Pages of Kent D. Lee
- NetBeans IDE Java Quick Start Tutorial
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Fork A Repo - User Documentation
- Java (programming language) - Wikipedia
- Java Resources for Students, Hobbyists and More | go.Java | Oracle
- Home: Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 8 Release 8
- Overview (Java Platform SE 8 )
- Oracle JDK 9 Documentation
- Overview (Java SE 9 & JDK 9 )
- Oracle JDK 9 Documentation
- Java Technology Reference
- Java String Format Examples - DZone Java
- Google Java Style Guide
- Welcome to Java for Python Programmers — Java for Python Programmers
- The Java™ Tutorials
- Trail: Learning the Java Language (The Java™ Tutorials)
- Primitive Data Types (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Language Basics)
- Reading, Writing, and Creating Files (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes > Basic I/O)
- Java - Write to File | Baeldung
- Lesson: Basic I/O (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes)
- Java Files and I/O
- Pattern (Java Platform SE 8 )
- Lesson: Regular Expressions (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes)
- Java Regex - Tutorial
- Java Regular Expressions
- Collections (Java Platform SE 8 )
- Lesson: Interfaces (The Java™ Tutorials > Collections)
- Collections in Java - javatpoint
- HashMap vs. TreeMap vs. HashTable vs. LinkedHashMap - DZone Java
- JUnit 5
- Unit Testing with JUnit - Tutorial
- JUnit Test Framework
- How I Write Tests - Made of Bugs
- JUnit Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Java Unit Testing | Udemy
- Getting started · junit-team/junit4 Wiki
- java - JUnit test for System.out.println() - Stack Overflow
- Lesson: Classes and Objects (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language)
- Java 101: Classes and objects in Java | JavaWorld
- Java theory and practice: Hashing it out
- Inheritance (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Interfaces and Inheritance)
- Java Inheritance
- Inheritance - Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial
- Java 101: Inheritance in Java, Part 1 | JavaWorld
- Polymorphism (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Interfaces and Inheritance)
- Quick Guide To Polymorphism In Java
- Java Polymorphism
- What Is an Interface? (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Object-Oriented Programming Concepts)
- Interfaces (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Interfaces and Inheritance)
- Java Interfaces
- Josh Bloch on Design
- Trail: Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing (The Java™ Tutorials)
- Introduction to GUI Building - NetBeans IDE Tutorial
- GUI Programming - Java Programming Tutorial