Python version SDK for hackathon.
Python 3 or higher.
Directly import the *.py files into your workspace folder
You may find IntelliJ PyCharm extremely helpful.
To install the dependencies, use pip:
pip install coincurve pycryptodome kafka-python requests
All APIs are provided in and can be called once the OGSolver is inited.
og = OGSolver(API_URL, TOKEN)
my_account = Account(private_key)
Here you need to put your token assigned by committee in order to successfully call the APIs. includes all usages of APIs provided. For example, you may call query_all_txs_in_pool() to get all transactions that is currently in the pool and to be picked up as parents.
og = OGSolver(API_URL, TOKEN)
The results will be in dict format
"data": {
"sequencer": {
"type": 1,
"hash": "0x8de248720f97d949e7de227505384ca9fce4c59c785a2dab13e316157b5ebd15",
"parents": [
"from": "0x7349f7a6f622378d5fb0e2c16b9d4a3e5237c187",
"nonce": 2276,
"treasure": "1000",
"height": 2276,
"weight": 0
"transactions": [
"type": 0,
"hash": "0x86f4ef1c9b01e727767fb78ac13b29217eb99165b14d4adb8b1292d8573fa225",
"parents": [
"from": "0xc4321fee1e29b13b042feab06dea55e7caf85948",
"to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"nonce": 597,
"guarantee": "1",
"value": "0",
"weight": 0
"err": ""
To send a transaction, call send_tx():
og.send_tx(self, account, parents, nonce, sender, guarantee, pubkey, to=None, value=0)
To get the latest transaction (including those txs that have not been confirmed) and sequencers, we provide a message queue to annoucne the new tx events. Once a new Tx/Seq is broadcasted, you will be notified if you subscribe the Kafka topic:
# this is the callback for receiving a new tx:
consumer = KafkaConsumer(KAFKA_TOPIC, bootstrap_servers=KAFKA_SERVER)
for message in consumer:
tx = json.loads(message.value.decode('utf-8'))
A further processing function should be there to handle this tx:
def on_new_tx(tx):
if tx['type'] == 0:
print('Received Tx: ', tx)
# Maybe we need to follow it?
elif tx['type'] == 1:
print('Received Seq: ', tx)
# Maybe we need to follow it?
You may find the code in