Notebooks used to process and analyze data collected in the field and from satellites in the comparison of three grassland sites: one managed with repeated controlled burning, one burned in a wildfire, and one without fire in the last 100 years.
These notebooks represent the analysis associated with the Ecological Applications publication titled 'Centering Amah Mutsun voices in the analysis of a culturally important, fire-managed coastal grassland.'
- Publication doi:
- Link to github repo:
- Scripts authored by Annalise Taylor 2022-2023
- Data needed to run the analysis are in this figshare repository:
To cite: Taylor, Annalise, Alexii Sigona, and Maggi Kelly. 2024. “Centering Amah Mutsun Voices in the Analysis of a Culturally Important, Fire-Managed Coastal Grassland.” Ecological Applications e3014.