Support for follow features is added in IBM SV Ansible collection version 2.6.0:
- PBRHA (3-site support)
- Partition migration
- Portset replication-link setup for PBHA
- Enable syslog, RESTAPI, vasa, snmp setting changes in existing truststore
- Convert existing thinclone volumes and volumegroups to clone
- Enable changing default FC grain size to 64K or 256K for flashcopy mapping
- Enable Storage Insights to be able to control partition migration
Following playbooks are also availble:
- GMCV (Global Mirror with Change Volumes) to PBR (Policy-Based Replication) , and GM (Global Mirror) to PBR migration
- HyperSwap to PBHA (Policy-Based High Availability) migration
- Decommissioning partition (For cleanup after migrating volumes across clusters)
- PBRHA (3-site support) setup and cleanup (setting up disaster recovery after PBHA setup)