This has now been archived by DISA STIG
This role is based on RHEL 7 DISA STIG: Version 3, Rel 15 released on July 24, 2024.
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Configure a RHEL 7 system to be DISA STIG compliant.
Non-disruptive CAT I, CAT II, and CAT III findings will be corrected by default.
Disruptive finding remediation can be enabled by setting rhel7stig_disruption_high
to true
This role will make changes to the system which may have unintended consequences. This is not an auditing tool but rather a remediation tool to be used after an audit has been conducted.
Check Mode is not supported! The role will complete in check mode without errors, but it is not supported and should be used with caution. The RHEL7-STIG-Audit role or a compliance scanner should be used for compliance checking over check mode.
This role was developed against a clean install of the Operating System. If you are implementing to an existing system please review this role for any site specific changes that are needed.
To use release version please point to main branch and relevant release for the cis benchmark you wish to work with.
Coming from a previous release.
As with all releases and updates, It is suggested to test and align controls. This contains rewrites and ID reference changes as per STIG documentation.
- The password hash
- If adopting grub password has to be supplied and variables updated.
- It no longer tries to create the hash.
More information can be found in the ChangeLog
This can be turned on or off within the defaults/main.yml file with the variable run_audit. The value is false by default, please refer to the wiki for more details.
This is a much quicker, very lightweight, checking (where possible) config compliance and live/running settings.
A new form of auditing has been develeoped, by using a small (12MB) go binary called goss along with the relevant configurations to check. Without the need for infrastructure or other tooling. This audit will not only check the config has the correct setting but aims to capture if it is running with that configuration also trying to remove false positives in the process.
Refer to
- Read The Docs
- Getting Started
- Customizing Roles
- Per-Host Configuration
- Getting the Most Out of the Role
RHEL 7 or CentOS 7 - Other versions are not supported. Access to download or add the goss binary and content to the system if using auditing. options are available on how to get the content to the system.
The following packages must be installed on the controlling host/host where ansible is executed:
- Python3 (preferred)
- Ansible 2.9+
- python2-passlib (or just passlib, if using python3)
- python-lxml
- python-xmltodict
- python-jmespath
Package 'python-xmltodict' is required if you enable the OpenSCAP tool installation and run a report. Packages python(2)-passlib and python-jmespath are required for tasks with custom filters or modules. These are all required on the controller host that executes Ansible.
This role is designed that the end user should not have to edit the tasks themselves. All customizing should be done via the defaults/main.yml file or with extra vars within the project, job, workflow, etc.
There are many tags available for added control precision. Each control has it's own set of tags noting the control number as well as what parts of the system that control addresses.
Below is an example of the tag section from a control within this role. Using this example if you set your run to skip all controls with the tag dconf, this task will be skipped. The opposite can also happen where you run only controls tagged with dconf.
- RHEL-07-010060
- CAT2
- CCI-000056
- SRG-OS-000028-GPOS-00009
- SV-204396r880746_rule
- V-204396
- dconf
This is based on a vagrant image with selections enabled. e.g. No Gui iptables firewall
Note: More tests are run during audit as we check config and running state.
ok: [cent7_bios] => {
"msg": [
"The pre remediation results are: Count: 505, Failed: 214, Duration: 14.808s.",
"The post remediation results are: Count: 505, Failed: 34, Duration: 43.593s.",
"Full breakdown can be found in /opt",
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************
rhel7test : ok=369 changed=192 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=125 rescued=0 ignored=0
- devel - This is the default branch and the working development branch. Community pull requests will pull into this branch
- main - This is the release branch
- reports - This is a protected branch for our scoring reports, no code should ever go here
- gh_pages - github pages
- all other branches - Individual community member branches
- system_is_container
This is set to false by defaults/main.yml If discovered it is a container type or ansible_connection == docker it will convert to run to with with true. Some controls will skip is this is true as they are not applicable at all. Others runs a subset of controls found in vars/is_container.yml based on a vendor supplied un altered image.
NON altered vendor image.
- container_vars_file: is_container.yml
This vars file runs controls are grouped into tags so if the container does later have ssh it could be re-enabled by loading an alternative vars file.
- This does set the single user password for grub this does need to be defined - You can create the hash on a RHEL 7.9 system using the command 'grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2'
- Some controls make changes to sudo, please ensure a sudo password is set for the user and it is added to the way to run your playbook.
We encourage you (the community) to contribute to this role. Please read the rules below.
- Your work is done in your own individual branch. Make sure to Signed-off and GPG sign all commits you intend to merge.
- All community Pull Requests are pulled into the devel branch
- Pull Requests into devel will confirm your commits have a GPG signature, Signed-off, and a functional test before being approved
- Once your changes are merged and a more detailed review is complete, an authorized member will merge your changes into the main branch for a new release.
- ansible-core 2.12
- ansible collections - pulls in the latest version based on requirements file
- runs the audit using the devel branch
- This is an automated test that occurs on pull requests into devel
This is a community project at its core and will be managed as such.
If you would are interested in dedicated support to assist or provide bespoke setups
pre-commit run
This repo originated from work done by Sam Doran
Massive thanks to the fantastic community and all its members.
This includes a huge thanks and credit to the original authors and maintainers.
- Josh Springer, Daniel Shepherd, Bas Meijeri, James Cassell, Mike Renfro, DFed, George Nalen, Mark Bolwell