> How do I use Streak? >> It's simple, all you need is PHP 5.3 and above! No other dependencies at all.What is Streak?
Streak is a text-based blog microframework inspired by Toto. Now with 100% more caching!
Why use Streak?
- It's easy to use; you just create text files as your post, or use the built in generator.
- It's easy to customize; Streak comes with a basic theme, and the core functions are outlined clearly so you can customize around Streak.
- It's extensible; you can view the source code and modify it however you wish, Streak in reality is very simple.
How do I install/configure/use Streak?
It's really simple, all you have to do pull the latest source from Github.
git pull https://github.com/nanocomet/streak.git
And opensystem/config.php
config.php should look like this:
$streak_config = [ "streak_blog_author" => "streaker", "streak_blog_name" => "Streak", //your awesome blog name "streak_blog_description" => "A PHP blogging framework.", //your awesome blog description "streak_url" => "http://streak.com/", //your awesome blog url (your root domain url) "streak_url_prefix" => "", //your awesome blog prefix "streak_post_extension" => "md", //your awesome blog post extension "streak_post_directory" => "posts/", //your awesome blog post directory "streak_post_preview_length" => 219, //your awesome blog post preview length "streak_disqus_id" => "", //your awesome disqus id (empty for none) "streak_enable_markdown" => TRUE, //do you want to enable markdown? TRUE or FALSE "streak_enable_sitemap" => FALSE, //NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! do you want to enable automatic sitemap generation (works only when streak is placed in the root of your domain) ];
>>Just simply edit what you'd like, mandatory options that need changing are ```streak_url``` and ```streak_url_prefix ```
>>Now that you have everything configured, navigate to your posts folder. You should find two posts, these are your sample posts!
>>To delete posts, simply remove the file! To add a post, run ```create_post.php``` from CLI or create a file using the following guidelines:
>>>The file name follows the following format ```YYYY-MM-DD-my-shot-slug-here.extension_i_specified_in_config```. See [XKCD](http://xkcd.com/1179/) for more info on date formatting. If the nomenclature does not follow these guidelines, you could possibly break Streak!
>>>It is recommended that you use ```post_writer.php``` instead of creating the post yourself.
>>>>To use ```post_writer.php``` you simple open up Terminal/CMD (make sure you have your PHP path set) ```php post_writer.php``` and follow the instructions on the prompt! You must edit ```config.php``` before you can actually write posts.
>>>Inside the file, the first line is reserved for the title of your post, for example:
@My awesome title here!
As you can see the title is prefixed by an @ symbol to let Streak know that it's the title. If you don't include the @ symbol your title will be cut off by one letter!
After that, you can start typing your regular blog post. If you have markdown enabled, you can use that too.
Here is an example post:
@Hello, world. In an old fashioned way.
Introducting Streak, a blogging framework that uses text files and markdown to blog.
I love Streaking!
>**What's next?**
>>You can now edit the theme, found in ```theme/```. You'll find 3 files, ```404.html, home.html, and post.html```.
>>>* 404.html - contains the response if the blog post is not found.
>>>* home.html - contains the homepage html template, you can edit everything but everything in the content div as those are key to Streak's functionality.
>>>* post.html - contains the post html template, style this as you wish, but again, avoid editing the content div unless you know what to do.
* Implement sitemaps, for SEO purposes.
* Upload to Bitbucket, jk.
If you have any tips/suggestions/complaints/death threats leave them on issues page and I'll answer them as quickly as possible.
Created overnight by nanocomet.