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This tutorial was conducted during the QA Automation Course. It consists of the mandatory part and the individual tasks which I developed by myself to practice testing skills on API, Database and UI testing. That part of code is highlighted by comments.

Mandatory Part:

Project Task 1

Create the folder and file structure for the framework.

In the cloned GitHub repository, create the following hierarchy of files and folders, which we will consider as the initial structure of the framework:

Folder structure from the root directory of the project:


File structure from the root directory of the project:


Project Task 2

To develop tests using the pytest module, fixtures, and markers, follow these requirements:

  1. Markers check and change are registered in the pytest.ini file.

  2. In the file, describe the User class:

  • Use the constructor to set the name and second_name fields with default values as None.
  • The class has a create method. This method sets the name and second_name fields with your name and surname.
  • The class has a remove method. This method sets the name and second_name fields to an empty string.
  1. In the file, describe the user fixture. This fixture:
  • Creates an object of the User class.
  • Calls the create method of the object.
  • Returns the object after calling the create method to the tests.
  • After the test execution, calls the remove method of the object.
  1. In the /tests/api/ file, create the test test_change_name:
  • The test has a check marker.
  • The test has a check marker.
  • It checks that the name field of the user object matches the expected value.
  1. In the /tests/api/ file, create the test test_change_second_name:
  • The test has a check marker.
  • It uses the user fixture.
  • It checks that the second_name field of the user object matches the expected value.
  1. In the /tests/api/ file, create the test test_remove_name:
  • The test has a change marker.
  • It uses the user fixture.
  • As the first step, the test changes the name field of the user object to an empty string.
  • As the second step, the test checks that the changes occurred and are correct.
  1. In the /tests/api/ file, create the test test_name:
  • The test has a check marker.
  • It uses the user fixture.
  • It checks that the name field of the user object matches the expected value.
  1. In the /tests/api/ file, create the test test_second_name:
  • The test has a check marker.
  • It uses the user fixture.
  • It checks that the second_name field of the user object matches the expected value.

Project Task 3

Develop tests for testing the HTTP protocol using the pytest and requests modules, using fixtures and markers.

In the cloned GitHub repository, develop tests using the pytest and requests modules that meet the following requirements:

  1. The http marker is registered in the pytest.ini file

  2. In the file /tests/, create the test_first_request:

  • The test has the http marker
  • As the first step, the test sends an HTTP GET request to the address and stores the server's response in a variable.
  • As the second step, the test prints the text attribute of the server's response to the screen using f-strings.
  1. In the file /tests/, create the test test_second_request:
  • The test has the http marker
  • As the first step, the test sends an HTTP GET request to the address and stores the server's response in a variable
  • The test checks that the name attribute of the response body from the server corresponds to the value Chris Wanstrath.
  • The test checks that the status code of the response from the server corresponds to the number 200.
  • The test checks that the Server header of the response from the server corresponds to the value
  1. In the file /tests/, create a test named test_status_code_request:
  • The test should have the http marker.
  • In the first step, the test sends an HTTP GET request to the address and stores the server's response in a variable.
  • The test verifies that the status code of the server's response corresponds to the number 404.

Project Task 4

Develop tests for testing the Github API by creating your own API client, using the GitHub API documentation, and the pytest and requests modules.

In the cloned repository, develop tests using the pytest and requests modules that meet the following requirements:

  1. The api marker is registered in the pytest.ini file.

  2. In the file /modules/api/clients/, create a class GitHub.

  • The method description includes a mandatory parameter username.
  • In the body of the method, the URL to which the HTTP request should be sent is formed. The logic of forming the URL is to concatenate two strings:
    • The value of the username parameter
    • In the body of the method, an HTTP request with the GET method is sent to the URL from the previous step.
    • The method returns the body of the response from the server in json format.
  • The method description includes a mandatory parameter name.
  • In the body of the method, an HTTP request with the GET method is sent to the URL "" with the query string parameter q, the value of which is equal to the value of the name parameter of the method.
  • The method returns the body of the response from the server in json format.
    1. The class has an object method get_user
    2. The class has an object method search_repo
  1. In the file, describe the github_api fixture. This fixture:
  • Creates an object of the GitHub class.
  • Returns the created object to the tests.
  1. In the file /tests/api/, create the test test_user_exists:
  • The test has the api marker.
  • Uses the github_api fixture.
  • In the body of the test, use the get_user method of the github_api fixture.
  • Use the username for the search: defunkt.
  • Verify that the body of the response from the server has an attribute login, the value of which should be equal to defunkt.
  1. In the file /tests/api/, create the test test_user_not_exists:
  • The test has the api marker.
  • Uses the github_api fixture.
  • In the body of the test, use the get_user method of the github_api fixture.
  • Use the username for the search: butenkosergii.
  • Verify that the body of the response from the server has an attribute message, and its value should be equal to Not Found.
  1. In the file /tests/api/, create the test test_repo_can_be_found:
  • The test has the api marker.
  • Uses the github_api fixture.
  • In the body of the test, use the search_repo method of the github_api fixture.
  • Use the repository name for the search: become-qa-auto.
  • Verify that the body of the response from the server has an attribute total_count, and its value should be equal to the expected value at the time of test creation, for example, 25.
  1. In the file /tests/api/, create the test test_repo_cannot_be_found:
  • The test has the api marker.
  • Uses the github_api fixture.
  • In the body of the test, use the search_repo method of the github_api fixture.
  • Use a repository name for the search that does not exist at the time of test creation, for example, sergiibutenko_repo_non_exist.
  • Verify that the body of the response from the server has an attribute total_count, and its value should be 0.
  1. In the file /tests/api/, create the test test_repo_with_single_char_be_found:
  • The test has the api marker.
  • Uses the github_api fixture.
  • In the body of the test, use the search_repo method of the github_api fixture.
  • Use the repository name for the search: s or any other name consisting of a single character.
  • Verify that the body of the response from the server has an attribute total_count, and its value should not be 0.

Project Task 5

In the cloned repository, develop tests using the pytest and sqlite3 modules, meeting the following requirements:

  1. The marker database is registered in the pytest.ini file.

  2. In the file /modules/common/, create the Database class.

  • The class has a constructor where two object attributes are initialized:
    1. self.connection - an object that implements a connection to the database
    2. self.cursor - the cursor of the self.connection object
  • The class has an object method test_connection:
    1. The method executes an SQL query SELECT sqlite_version();
    2. The result of the method is the version of the database printed to the terminal.
  • The class has an object method get_all_users:
    1. The method should return the values of the name, address, and city fields for all users from the customers table.
  • The class has an object method get_user_address_by_name:
    1. The method has a mandatory parameter name.
    2. The method should return the values of the address, city, postalCode, and country fields for the user with the specified name from the customers table.
  • The class has an object method update_product_qnt_by_id:
    1. The method has mandatory parameters product_id, qnt.
    2. The method should change the quantity of the product with the specified product_id in the products table to the value specified in the qnt parameter.
  • The class has an object method select_product_qnt_by_id:
    1. The method has a mandatory parameter product_id.
    2. The method should return the quantity of the product with the specified product_id, a unique value from the products table.
  • The class has an object method insert_product:
    1. The method has mandatory parameters product_id, name, description, qnt.
    2. The method should insert or replace data in the products table for the id, name, description, and quantity columns. Data should be taken from the product_id, name, description, and qnt parameters.
  • The class has an object method delete_product_by_id:
    1. The method has a mandatory parameter product_id.
    2. The method should delete the product with the specified product_id, a unique value, from the products table.
  • The class has an object method get_detailed_orders:
    1. Using the JOIN command and tables orders, customers, products, return the following information from the orders table in the corresponding order: unique order number, customer name, ordered product name, ordered product description, order date.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_database_connection:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, execute the test_connection object method.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_check_all_users:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, execute the get_all_users object method.
  • Print the result of executing the get_all_users object method to the terminal.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_check_user_sergii:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, execute the get_user_address_by_name object method with the parameter name = Sergii.
  • Verify that the data returned by the get_user_address_by_name method corresponds to the following data:
    1. Maydan Nezalezhnosti 1
    2. Kyiv
    3. 3127
    4. Ukraine
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_product_qnt_update:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, execute the update_product_qnt_by_id object method with the parameter values product_id = 1 and qnt = 25.
  • Verify that after updating the data, the quantity of the product with the unique number 1 is equal to 25.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_product_insert:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, execute the insert_product object method with the parameter values product_id = 4, name = печиво, description = солодке, qnt = 30.
  • Verify that after updating the data, the quantity of the product with the unique number 4 is equal to 30.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_product_delete:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, create test data by creating a product in the products table with the parameter values product_id = 99, name = тестові, description = дані, qnt = 999.
  • In the test body, delete data from the products table with the parameter value product_id = 99.
  • Verify that the number of rows found is equal to 0.
  1. In the file /tests/database/, create the test test_detailed_orders:
  • The test has the database marker.
  • In the test body, create an instance of the Database class.
  • In the test body, print to the terminal the result of executing the get_detailed_orders method of the Database class object.
  • Verify that the number of found results is equal to 1.
  • Verify that the data returned by the get_detailed_orders method corresponds to the following data:
    1. 1
    2. Sergii
    3. солодка вода
    4. з цукром

Project Task 6

In the cloned repository, develop tests using the pytest and selenium modules that meet the following requirements:

  1. The ui marker is registered in the pytest.ini file.

  2. In the modules/ui/page_object directory, create a file named, and define a class named BasePage in it.

  • In the class constructor, initialize an object for communication with the web driver.
  • The class should have a close method whose task is to close the open browser.
  1. In the modules/ui/page_object directory, create a file named, and in it, define a class named SignInPage.
  • The SignInPage class should inherit from the BasePage class.
  • In the class constructor, call the constructor of the parent class.
  • Implement a method of the object that takes username and password as parameters. The task of the method is to enter the username into the email field, the password into the password field, and click the sign-in button.
  • Implement a method of the object that checks whether the page title matches the expected title.
  1. In the tests/ui directory, create a file named In this file, create a test that:
  • Has the ui marker.
  • Performs the following steps:
    1. Opens the Sign In page.
    2. Enters incorrect data into the username and password fields.
    3. Checks whether the page title matches the expected title.
    4. Closes the browser.


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