Challenge from the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege .
We propose a personalized heath tracker to help users plan their days based on the climate change problems. The app analyses and learns the users behaviour and based on the amount of pollen/heat/UV notifies the user about alternate time for their outdoor plans. In the future pollen will be more, the amount of dust COx, NOx will increase and this can affect our day to day activities. As a prototype we consider a users movement data and analyse it, to understand the patterns. Based on the predictions of the weather (Pollution, pollen, etc.) the user is notified if it would be safe for him/her to carry a particular activity that he/she generally underatakes at that point of time.
Clone the repo
Then do the following to install the packages.
cd klimawanderer
poetry install
A look at the heat data of Nürnberg based as of 05.07.2022. This map was made with the plotly library and geojson data.