Practicing TypeScript (for the sake of Science!)
Marine biologists found a mysterious organism near hydrothermal vents along the seabed. The organism has only 15 DNA base pairs that frequently mutate. Since it can't survive above sea level and is difficult to locate at the seabed, I created a pAequor class to simulate the specimen for the team to study.
- TypeScript
- NodeJS (in TS)
- VSCode
Throughout this project, I tried to use inferred typing as much as possible.
About creating the organism object:
- While playing with possible additional features and potentially expanding the capabilities of this project, I quickly found it becoming messy. So, I opted to use a class for the organism object in a separate file.
- [pending... more to come]
- Critique:
- I'm open to criticism; very much want to improve rapidly
- If you notice something weird, or unsafe, or have food for thought, please don't hesitate to let me know
Though my repo is quite different than the practice project, the inspiration for this repo was Codecademy's JavaScript practice project called Mysterious Organism.