#Mathematical Simulation - The Call Center Project
Maven is used for dependency management. Incase you don't have maven installed I have included the binary in this project. Please make sure you have a valid java jdk installed on your computer.
If not you can find the java jdk here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk14-downloads.html
maven\bin\mvn install
The project was made with configurability in mind.
Under the directory src\main\java\configs
you will find all the configuration files. ````
#####Schedule In the scheduleconfig you can set the amount of agents for each shift per agent type.
There are 4 type of strategies that can be used in a simulation.
You can change strategies by change the strategy variable in the simulationconfig.
You can easily create your own strategy by extending the AbstractStrategy Class and implementing the execute method. #####Note This project uses 2 external libraries to plot the graphs (JFreeChart) and perform unit testing (JUnit). The dependencies can be found in pom.xml.