What I used: Vue.js & MySQL.
Clone each submodule on your local machine and follow the instructions. You can also clone this global repo :
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules https://github.com/antoinebollinger/AntoineBollinger_7_03022021
Before your start, make sure you have access to a Mysql server. You'll need to create a .env
file a the root of your backend file, with the following:
DB_HOST=//your host - if local, localhost
DB_USER=//your username - if local, root
DB_PASSWORD=//your password - if local, empty
DB_DATABASE=//your database - if local, can be groupomania
Then you can go:
npm install
node server
For more infos about this API, please read the guidelines file.
Before starting enjoying your frontend, please make sure you created a .env
file at the root, with:
VUE_APP_API=//your API url - if local, http://localhost:3000
This app was developped with Vue.js (https://vuejs.org/). Make sure you have it installed on your machine.
Launch the app with :
npm install
npm run serve