The project proposed this year consists of developing a dynamic web application for tracking projects and tasks, inspired by tools like Trello. This application will be designed to facilitate collaboration between team members on projects development, by offering an intuitive platform to organize, track, and manage the work of efficient manner.
This section guides you through the process of getting your development environment set up for Trell'IMT.
Ensure you have the following installed:
Python 3.7 or higher
pip (Python package manager)
Git (Version control system)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/antoinech2/Trell-IMT
cd TrellIMT
python -m venv venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The application uses SQLAlchemy to manage and initialize the database. Upon the first run, SQLAlchemy will create the database and the required tables.
To run the application locally, use Flask's built-in server:
set FLASK_APP=run.py
set FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_APP=run.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
This will start the server on by default.
id: INTEGER - A unique identifier for each user.
first_name: VARCHAR(50) - The user's first name.
last_name: VARCHAR(50) - The user's last name.
email: VARCHAR(120) - The user's email address.
type: VARCHAR(14) - The user's type or role within the application.
password: VARCHAR - The user's hashed password.
authenticated: BOOLEAN - Indicates if the user is authenticated.
language: VARCHAR(7) - The user's preferred language.
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each board.
name: VARCHAR - The name of the board.
description: VARCHAR - A brief description of the board.
user_id: INTEGER - References the user table to associate users with boards.
board_id: INTEGER - References the board table to associate boards with users.
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each category.
board_id: INTEGER - References the board table to categorize boards.
name: VARCHAR - The name of the category.
description: VARCHAR - A brief description of the category.
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each task.
category_id: INTEGER - References the category table to categorize tasks.
name: VARCHAR - The name of the task.
description: VARCHAR - A brief description of the task.
date_expires: DATETIME - The expiration date for the task.
priority: INTEGER - The priority of the task.
task_id: INTEGER - References the task table to associate tasks with etiquettes.
etiquette_id: INTEGER - References the etiquette table to associate etiquettes with tasks.
task_id: INTEGER - References the task table to associate tasks with users.
user_id: INTEGER - References the user table to associate users with tasks.
association_type: VARCHAR(8) - The type of association between the user and the task (e.g., owner, collaborator).
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each step.
task_id: INTEGER - References the task table to associate steps with tasks.
status: BOOLEAN - Indicates if the step is completed.
name: VARCHAR - The name of the step.
description: VARCHAR - A brief description of the step.
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each commentary.
task_id: INTEGER - References the task table to associate commentaries with tasks.
user_id: INTEGER - References the user table to indicate who made the commentary.
title: VARCHAR - The title of the commentary.
content: VARCHAR - The content of the commentary.
date_created: DATETIME - The date when the commentary was created.
id: INTEGER - Unique identifier for each etiquette.
type: VARCHAR - The type of etiquette.
label: VARCHAR - The label of the etiquette.
description: VARCHAR - A brief description of the etiquette.
color: VARCHAR - The color associated with the etiquette.
Trell'IMT is structured into various directories and files for optimal organization and modularity. Below is the breakdown of the major components:
Contains JSON templates and other data files that are crucial for initializing the application's state.
new_board_template.json: This file contains the JSON template for creating new boards within the application.
Holds configuration files and local databases that are specific to the instance of the application.
database.db: A SQLite database file that contains all the application's data.
The source directory where the main application code resides, organized into subdirectories for database models, form handling, and helper functions.
Includes scripts related to database initialization and structure.
data_init.py: Script to initialize database with default data.
database.py: Contains database connection configurations and initializations.
models.py: Defines the ORM models for SQLAlchemy.
Contains Python scripts to handle form submissions for various actions within the application.
delete_board.py, delete_category.py, delete_task.py: Scripts to handle the deletion of boards, categories, and tasks, respectively.
edit_board.py, edit_category.py, edit_task.py: Scripts for editing boards, categories, and tasks.
new_category.py, new_comment.py, new_task.py: Scripts to create new categories, comments, and tasks.
Houses utility scripts that provide auxiliary functionality to the main application logic.
date.py: Functions related to date manipulation.
get_board_info.py, get_etiquettes.py, get_task_display.py, get_task_info.py, get_users.py: Scripts to retrieve specific pieces of information from the database.
login.py, logout.py: Handle user authentication sessions.
Contains Python scripts defining the Flask routes for the application's different URLs.
board_dev.py, board_manager.py, home.py: Scripts responsible for the board development, management interfaces, and the home page.
new_project.py, sign_in.py, sign_up.py: Handle project creation and user authentication processes.
This directory serves all static content, such as CSS, JavaScript, and image files.
Contains CSS files that define the styling for the application.
auth.css, board.css, dev.css, home.css: Style sheets for authentication forms, board view, developer tools, and the home page, among others.
Stores image files used within the application.
logo.jpg, logo_site_page.jpg: Logos and branding-related images.
Includes JavaScript files that add interactivity to the application.
collab.js, etiquette.js, subtasks.js, task_form.js: Scripts that manage collaboration features, etiquettes, subtasks, and task forms. add_category.js, delete_board.js, modify_board.js, modify_category.js, project_creator.js, utils.js: Utility scripts for modifying application data and managing project creation.
Holds Jinja2 templates which define the HTML structure for rendering views.
Reusable components that are included across various templates.
board_form.html.jinja2, category_form.html.jinja2: Templates for forms used in board and category management.
header.html.jinja2, super_header.html.jinja2: Header templates for standard and extended navigation.
task_form.html.jinja2, warning_delete.html.jinja2: Templates for task-related forms and deletion warnings.
Templates specific to the developer view.
board_developer.html.jinja2: The developer's board view template.
Templates for project management views.
SOJKA Emmanuelle