favicongrabber.com Public
Grabbing favicons from any domain
nginx-conf Public
A collection of snippets and scripts for Nginx
learningstylegrid.com Public
Building a learning style grid using KLSI 4.0
frontend-boilerplate Public
Frontend boilerplate for prototyping web pages
react-friends-explorer Public
A simple SPA for searching friends in hypothetical social network
meteorological-contest Public
A simple SPA for representation meteorological data in an unknown city
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2017 -
node-boilerplate Public
Node.js boilerplate for creating web applications using Express.js and MongoDB
JSON-data-arrays Public
Forked from tarraq/JSON-data-arraysUseful JSON objects for front-end and backend applications
MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2015