VUDA is a header-only library based on Vulkan that provides a CUDA Runtime API interface for writing GPU-accelerated applications.
The only requirements for developing with the VUDA library is to have access to a Vulkan compatible system and install the Vulkan SDK.
To compile a c++17 program (x64) using the VUDA library it is necessary to specify:
- the path to the VUDA header file
- the path to the Vulkan SDK header files
- the path to the Vulkan SDK library files and add the additional library dependency
Each sample accompanying the VUDA library includes a simple Makefile for compilation with g++.
Simply set the path to the sample folder and run make
Additionally, some of the samples includes an equivalent cuda version (for quick comparison).
To compile cuda source code, install the cuda toolkit.
#include <vuda.hpp>
int main(void)
// assign a device to the thread
// allocate memory on the device
const int N = 5000;
int a[N], b[N], c[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
a[i] = -i;
b[i] = i * i;
int *dev_a, *dev_b, *dev_c;
vuda::malloc((void**)&dev_a, N * sizeof(int));
vuda::malloc((void**)&dev_b, N * sizeof(int));
vuda::malloc((void**)&dev_c, N * sizeof(int));
// copy the arrays a and b to the device
vuda::memcpy(dev_a, a, N * sizeof(int), vuda::memcpyHostToDevice);
vuda::memcpy(dev_b, b, N * sizeof(int), vuda::memcpyHostToDevice);
// run kernel (vulkan shader module)
const int stream_id = 0;
const int blocks = 128;
const int threads = 128;
vuda::launchKernel("add.spv", "main", stream_id, blocks, threads, dev_a, dev_b, dev_c, N);
// copy result to host
vuda::memcpy(c, dev_c, N * sizeof(int), vuda::memcpyDeviceToHost);
// do something useful with the result in array c ...
// free memory on device
Flag | Comment |
Enables the std vulkan layer |
Enables run-time exceptions |
Date | Changes |
15/10/2019 | internal state and memory allocation improvements, shared memory sample |
20/12/2018 | data structure for managing descriptor set and command buffer pool allocations |
25/11/2018 | Makefiles and gcc conformity |
13/11/2018 | virtual alloc for local device mem, one buffer per mem alloc, vuda::events, sync memcpy conformity, bandwidthtest, julia set |
25/10/2018 | memory allocator introduced: mallocHost, hostAlloc, optimized memory transfers, (comparable speeds with cuda in simple vector addition) |
17/10/2018 | kernel interface updated: kernel specialization, arbitrary arguments |
06/10/2018 | initial commit |