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A web page to show ancient monuments of Finland in mobile friendly map. Enter the site: screenshot

Main features

  • Displays Finnish Heritage Agency and Government of Åland ancient monuments open data on map from the National Land Survey of Finland
  • Scales from mobile device to desktop screen
  • Get more info from sites by clicking it
  • Select background map type (background map, topografic map, aerial image)
  • Displays your current location on map if you allow it
  • Search sites by search term
  • Filter sites on map by type and dating
  • Share selected site map coordinates and filter settings by copying the URL
  • UI text translations to finnish and swedish
  • Displays linked ancient monuments 3D models from Sketchfab


Version history

See GitHub releases


MIT License



The whole UI is just static html and js files from Webpack build that are hosted in GitHub pages of this repository: Cloudflare is used as a reverse proxy to add HTTPS support.

There is no hosted backend server. Browser calls directly data providers map servers to fetch map tile images and data. infrastructure

Development environment


  • Node.js v16 installed. Exact required version is defined in package.json engines field.
  • Only MacOS is tested, Linux should also work. package.json scripts use PARAM=value type parameters that require different syntax on Windows.

Environment setup

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Run npm install


npm run dev

Runs UI locally with webpack dev server. Opens system default browser to https://localhost:8091. The UI refreshes automatically after code changes.

npm run prod

Same as npm run dev but uses production build with code minication.

npm run build:dev

Builds development version of the UI with webpack to ./dist folder without code minification and with Redux dev tools support.

npm run build:prod

Builds production version of the UI with webpack to ./dist folder with code minification and without Redux dev tools support.

npm run profile-size

Runs webpack bundle analyzer and opens it's UI to system default browser. Handy tool to analyze what libraries are included in the final build result.