This course is done with the OSSU curriculum in mind.
The goal of this course is to design a computer from the bottom up. First 6 weeks projects are about the hardware layers (from NAND gate to Assembly), the other are about software layers (from Compiler to tetris).
The so-called HACK computer that is being built works on a 16-bit architecture.
The tests can be ran following the tutorials found on The course website
All basic chips have been implemented using the given hdl. Starting from NAND gate up to an ALU and Memory chips
Basic programs are done directly in assembly to get a hang on the very low level instructions. The programs done include an infinite loop listening to the keyboard memory map, and changing the screen accordingly.
The CPU takes 2 different types of instructions :
- A instructions, which change the value of the A register to a given 15-bit value.
- C instructions, which can manipulate A, D and M registers to do simple operations (addition, substraction, incrementation and decrementation), order jumps in Assembly code, and write the output of the operation in zero, one or any combination of A, D and M registers
Given the assembly language specification, the CPU chip, and then the whole Computer hdl are implemented in this week's project. Now, we can feed binary instructions in the ROM to our hdl script and let our 'chip' handle all the bits to manipulate correctly the RAM.
Now that we have a Computer chip to handle the bits in ROM and RAM, and a properly specified Assembly language for the HACK Computer, we're adding the missing link to finish the "hardware layers" : an assembler. The assembler needs 1 argument, and 1 argument only, the assembly source file. It then writes the number of instructions parsed to stderr, and then the binary code to stdout.
I chose to write the assembler in C because I also wanted to try and implement linked lists and hash tables in this language, think that doing almost everything would widen my understanding of "bigger" code projects issues, and hope to continue doing work in C-family languages.
There are actually 2 linked lists in the Assembler sources, one to implement the queue for the instructions, and one for the hash table implementation. I didn't try to do inheritance to make a more compact code, it may happen after I'm done with the course.
The hash table is implemented as an array (size HASHSIZE) of linked lists to handle collisions. I took the hash function from the internet, and I feel like this implementation of hash tables is very efficient.
As suggested by the course, the assembly translation is done in 2 passes : one to obtain the values of the goto-labels, and one to translate everything. This is probably the best solution, since encountering a new "@foo" instruction for the first time can't tell us if foo is a goto-label (get value from the code) or a new variable (which have to get the first free space in memory starting from 16). A solution to do the assembly in one pass would need the hash table to implement an iterator that goes through the table in the order of creation of the key-value pairs in it. This does not seem worth it here.
Nand = 2 transistors
Not = 2 transistors
And = 4 transistors
Or = 10 transistors
Xor = 22 transistors
Mux = 20 transistors
DMux = 10 transistors
And16 = 64 transistors
Not16 = 32 transistors
Or16 = 160 transistors
Mux16 = 320 transistors
Or8Way = 70 transistors
Mux4Way16 = 960 transistors
DMux4Way = 30 transistors
Mux8Way16 = 2240 transistors
DMux8Way = 70 transistors
Inc16 = 64 transistors
HalfAdder = 26 transistors
FullAdder = 62 transistors
Add16 = 956 transistors
Or16Way = 150 transistors
ALU = 4252 transistors
- Bit = 20 transistors + DFF
- Register = 320 transistors + 16*DFF
- PC = 1414 transistors + 16*DFF
- RAM8 = 4870 transistors + 128*DFF
- RAM64 = 41270 transistors + 1024*DFF
- RAM512 = 332470 transistors + 8192*DFF
- RAM4K = 2662070 transistors + 65536*DFF
- RAM16K = 10649270 transistors + 262144*DFF
Constructed an adder chip and ALU,Used a DFlip Flop circuit, which enables storing state in a chip, Created Hack assembler in Python to translate Hack Assembly Language into Hack Binary Machine Language, Created a personal finance command line program in Jack, implemented compiler for translation of high-level Jack language into VM langauge, Wrote Operating System classes to "ship" with Hack / Jack platform.