Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/anurag-sachan/Fullstack-SpringBoot-React-Store.git
Setup a postgres instance and update the configuration file here.
If you are unsure about the postgres setup, you can always use docker. It's extremely simple.
Go to Fullstack-SpringBoot-React-Store folder. Run the command below :# This will create a postgres container named `mydb` # This will also create mount(pgdata) between docker & PC for data sharing. docker run --rm --name mydb -v $(pwd)/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=anurag -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -e POSTGRES_DB=productdb postgres
Run the Backend:
# This will auto initialize the required relations schema into the current database. ./mvnw spring-boot:run
[Optional]: If you want to insert dummy data into the postgres db run the below command from your terminal:
cp dummy-data.csv pgdata
docker exec -it mydb psql -h -d productdb -p 5432 -U anurag
\copy product FROM '/var/lib/postgresql/data/dummy-data.csv' DELIMITER '$' CSV HEADER;
Run the frontend:
npm i && npm start
If you are using the application in localhost, please enable the option that says "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost" due to the certificate file being a self signed certificate and the backend being HTTPS Ready
- Please refer to the working demo-images from here.
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