This package is designed to define human-computer interaction widgets to build a Flutter widget as a markdown page using a markdown-like syntax, making it suitable for use in surveys and similar scenarios.
The following is the syntax to generate interactive surveys in markdown pages.
%% Menu-Begin
and %% Menu-End
will be recognised as the beginning and
end of the menu. The content between this group of tags must be a list, and
each item in the list will be recognised as a separate survey. The content of
each survey needs to be defined in the subsequent sections of the markdown
file, with the same name used as the title.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Menu-Begin
- GAD-7 Survey
- PHQ-9 Survey
- Symptom Checker
%% Menu-End
## GAD-7 Survey
Description: The Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) is a self-report
questionnaire used to assess the severity of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
## PHQ-9 Survey
Description: The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) is a self-report
questionnaire used to assess the severity of depression.
## Symptom Checker
Description: The Symptom Checker is a self-report questionnaire used to assess
the severity of symptoms.
will generate a list of surveys with the titles GAD-7 Survey
, PHQ-9 Survey
and Symptom Checker
. If users click on any of these surveys, they will be
redirected to the Survey Details
page with the corresponding survey details.
%% Slider(name,min,max,defaultValue,step)
will be recognised as a slider bar
with the given name
, min
, max
, defaultValue
, and step
values. The
slider bar will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Slider(Question 1,1,4,1,1)
%% Button-Begin(label,type,path)
and %% Button-End
will be recognised as a
button. The parameter label
is the text displayed on the button, type
the type of the button (0 - Save to JSON file (default), 1 - Submit to URL),
and path
is the path to redirect to or save to when the button is clicked. The
default file name is result.json
. The button will be displayed on the
Survey Details
Between the Button-Begin
and Button-End
tags is a list of widget IDs
containing all required fields. When the button is clicked, the widget will
check if all required fields are filled in. If all required fields are filled
in, the widget will save the data to the specified path or submit it to the
specified URL. If any required fields are not filled in, the widget will display
an error message and prevent the data from being saved or submitted.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Button-Begin(Save,0)
- Question 1
- Question 4
%% Button-End
%% Radio(name,value,label,hidden)
will be recognised as a radio button with
the given name
, value
, label
and hidden_content
. Users can use escape
characters \(
, \)
, and \"
to display parentheses and quotation marks
in the label. The radio button will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Radio(Radio1,1,"Option 1")
%% Radio(Radio1,2,"Option 2 \(Recommended\)",Hidden 1)
%% Checkbox(name,value,label,hidden)
will be recognised as a checkbox with
the given name
, value
, label
and hidden_content
. Users can use escape
characters \(
, \)
, and \"
to display parentheses and quotation marks
in the label. The checkbox will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Checkbox(Checkbox1,A,"Option 1")
%% Checkbox(Checkbox1,B,"Option 2 \(Recommended\)")
%% Checkbox(Checkbox1,C,"Option 3",Hidden 1)
If the user needs to answer the next question after selecting a specific radio
button or checkbox, you can use the %% Hidden
command. The Hidden
consists of two parts: Hidden-Begin
and Hidden-End
. The content to be
hidden is placed between these two parts.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Hidden-Begin(Hidden 1)
Please answer the following question after selecting Option 1.
%% Hidden-End
In this example, Hidden 1
is the ID of the hidden content. We can add
arguments to the %% Radio
or %% Checkbox
command to bind this hidden
content. The specific approach is as follows:
%% Radio(Radio1,1,"Option 1",Hidden 1)
%% Checkbox(Checkbox1,A,"Option 1",Hidden 1)
%% InputSL(name)
will be recognised as a single-line input box with the
given name
, and %% InputML(name)
will be recognised as a multi-line input
box with the given name
. The input box will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
Your name:
%% InputSL(Name)
Your feedback:
%% InputML(Feedback)
%% Description-Begin
and %% Description-End
will be recognised as the
beginning and end of the description box. The content between these tags will
be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Description-Begin
Over the **last 2 weeks**, how often have you been bothered by the following
problems? Tap your answers.
%% Description-End
%% Calendar(name)
will be recognised as a calendar with the name name
will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Calendar(Date)
%% Dropdown(name)
will be recognised as a dropdown with the name name
will be displayed on the Survey Details
page. The content of the dropdown
needs to be defined in the subsequent sections of the markdown file as a list.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Dropdown(Dropdown1)
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
%% H1-Begin
and %% H1-End
will be recognised as the beginning and end of
the H1 font size. The content between these tags will be displayed in H1 font
size on the Survey Details
page. Similarly, H2 to H6 font sizes are also
supported here.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% H1-Begin
Text in H1 font size
%% H1-End
%% AlignRight-Begin
and %% AlignRight-End
will be recognised as the
beginning and end of the right-aligned text. The content between these tags
will be displayed as right-aligned text on the Survey Details
page. Similarly,
left-aligned, center-aligned and justified text alignments are also supported
here. The syntax for these are %% AlignLeft-Begin
, %% AlignCenter-Begin
, and
%% AlignJust-Begin
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% AlignRight-Begin
Text aligned to the right
%% AlignRight-End
%% H1Right-Begin
and %% H1Right-End
will be recognised as the beginning and
end of the H1 font size and right-aligned text. The content between these tags
will be displayed in H1 font size and right-aligned on the Survey Details
page. Similarly, H2 to H6 font sizes and left/right/center/justify-aligned text
are also supported here. The syntax for these are % H1Left-Begin
%% H1Center-Begin
, and %% H1Just-Begin
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% H1Right-Begin
Text in H1 font size and right-aligned
%% H1Right-End
%% Image(filename.jpg)
will be recognised as an image with the given
filename in assets/media
folder. The image will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Image(image.jpg)
%% Video(filename.mp4)
will be recognised as a video with the given
filename in assets/media
folder. The video will be displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Video(video.mp4)
%% Audio(filename.mp3)
will be recognised as an audio file with the given
filename in assets/media
folder. The audio file will be displayed on the
Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Audio(audio.mp3)
%% Timer(time)
will be recognised as a countdown timer with the given
in the format of 1h0m0s. The countdown timer will be displayed on the
Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% Timer(1h0m0s)
%% EmptyLine
will be recognised as an empty line. An empty line will be
displayed on the Survey Details
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% EmptyLine
%% PageBreak
will be recognised as a page break. The content after the
tag will be displayed on the next page.
For example, the following snippet from the markdown file:
%% PageBreak