This wristband is desgined for the elderly where it uses a blood oxygen, heart rate and temperature sensor where when certain parameters are met it has an on board wifi chip and is able to respond to message emergency contacts through the Blynk Platform. It should be noted that the way we masured results throughout the expirement was through the serial monitor and the on board liquid display. However the features to make this system complelty wireless with an esp8266 can be done.
1 nodemcu 12E microprocessor
X5 220k ohm resistors
1 perma flexible PCB half breadboard size
3 3.5 volt lithium ion button batteries
AB transparent epoxy resin 60A + 20B
1 0.91 inch 128x32 IIC 12C blue OLED display
1 Heart rate with pulse oxygen breakout board for arduino
1 button cell battery charger
1 BMP280 barometric pressure sensor
30 male-to-male jumper wires
1 step down voltage regulator
1 soldering iron
1 pair of needle nose pliers
1 fingertip oximeter with digital display
1 blood pressure and heart rate cuff
1 digital ear thermometer
Begin by cutting of the ends of the male to male jumper wires and use pliers to cut open the leads and solder 2 wires to the SCL and SDA pins. Since we are attaching a variety of sensors we will need to communicate with the arduino over I2C. This means that the Blood oxygen sensor, pressure sensor and Heart rate sensor will be connected in series with the exception of their power and GND pins. The mini display will be soldered on near the end as it goes on top of a couple of the sensors. Then we will neeed to remove the boot loader off off the arduino uno and solder it all to the flexible bread board where we add the components to make theboot loader work such as the capacitors and resistors. Here is a diagram of what it should look like.
Begin by plugging in the arduino to your laptop and upload the ino file to the uno. Ensure that you change the baud rate to 115200 The uno should flash yellow when the code is uploading. Unplug the jumper wires from the boot loader and solder them directly to the flexible bread board.