I've built this bot to satisfy a very particular need we had with my team: track our PRs on Discord.
So why not show how PRs are tracked?
And when it's merged:
The slash commands will quickly help you understand how to use this bot: just register the repos/organizations you'll be listening to and you're ready to go! If you'd like, you can instruct your team to register your discord user so that it pings you anytime you're assigned as reviewer or assignee.
So as you can see, this bot lets you:
- Keep track of PRs in multiple repositories and organizations per channel
- Print all related data including description in full markdown, assigness left, reviewers, PR status and author
- Mention users that had registered their github account on discord
If you're sold so far and want to try it on your own, this is self-hosted, so you'll need: a database and somewhere to host it, with a public and static url so that github can point to for sending PRs data.
Then you can just run it with:
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e DISCORD_TOKEN=<discord-token> \
-e DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=<discord-client-id> \
-e DATABASE_URL=<database-url> \
-e SERVER_URL=<server-url> \
-e GITHUB_SECRET=<github-secret> \
--name pr-tracker-discord-bot \
--restart unless-stopped \
or with docker-compose:
version: "3.7"
container_name: pr-tracker-discord-bot
image: agustinaon/pr-tracker-discord-bot:main
restart: unless-stopped
- DISCORD_TOKEN=<discord-token>
- DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=<discord-client-id>
- SERVER_URL=<server-url>
- DATABASE_URL=<database-url>
- GITHUB_SECRET=<github-secret>
- 8080:8080
Brief explanation on environment variables:
: token generated once when creating botDISCORD_CLIENT_ID
: your discord app idSERVER_URL
: the url of where you are hosting this bot, needed just for the /about slash commandGITHUB_SECRET
: (optional) set when you want your webhooks to be authenticated
You'll need to create a discord bot as well, with the following permissions: