This repository contains Renesas R-Car Gen3-specific Yocto layers for AosEdge distro.
Ubuntu 18.0+ or any other Linux distribution which is supported by Poky/OE
Development packages for Yocto. Refer to Yocto manual
You need
installed in your PC. Recommended way is to install it for your user only:pip3 install --user git+`
Make sure that your
environment variable includes${HOME}/.local/bin
Ninja build system on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install ninja-build
Install Zephyr OS dependencies and SDK: Getting Started Guide
Install protobuf compiler from pre-compiled binaries. The verified protobuf compiler version is v22.3.
You can fetch/clone this whole repository, but you actually only need one file from it: aos-rcar-gen3.yaml
. During the
build moulin
will fetch this repository again into yocto/
directory. So, to reduce possible confuse, we recommend to
download only aos-rcar-gen3.yaml
curl -O
Moulin is used to generate Ninja build file: moulin aos-rcar-gen3.yaml
. This project provides number of additional
parameters. You can check them with --help-config
command line option:
moulin aos-rcar-gen3.yaml --help-config
usage: moulin aos-rcar-gen3.yaml
[--MACHINE {salvator-xs-m3-2x4g,salvator-xs-h3-4x2g,salvator-x-h3-4x2g,h3ulcb-4x2g,h3ulcb-4x2g-kf,h3ulcb-4x2g-ab}]
[--ENABLE_MM {no,yes}] [--GRAPHICS {binaries,sources}]
[--VIS_DATA_PROVIDER {renesassimulator,telemetryemulator}] [--NODE_TYPE {single,secondary}]
Config file description: Aos development setup for Renesas RCAR Gen3 hardware
--MACHINE {salvator-xs-m3-2x4g,salvator-xs-h3-4x2g,salvator-x-h3-4x2g,h3ulcb-4x2g,h3ulcb-4x2g-kf,h3ulcb-4x2g-ab}
RCAR Gen3-based device
--ENABLE_MM {no,yes} Enable Multimedia support
--GRAPHICS {binaries,sources}
Select how to use the GFX (3D hardware accelerator)
--VIS_DATA_PROVIDER {renesassimulator,telemetryemulator}
Specifies plugin for VIS automotive data
--NODE_TYPE {single,secondary}
Node type to build
Currently only the following machines are supported: h3ulcb-4x2g
, salvator-xs-m3-2x4g
Two types of nodes can be built: single
- where Gen3 board is single unit or secondary
where Gen3 board is secondary
node in multi-node unit.
For example, to build the secondary node image for multi-node Aos unit, perform the following command:
moulin aos-rcar-gen3.yaml --NODE_TYPE secondary
Other options enable different image features. See prod-devel-rcar for more details.
Moulin will generate
file that contains different build targets. Run ninja
command to build image
components. This will take some time and disk space.
Aos image requires specific firmware version to work properly. Updating the firmware should be done for each new Aos release. Perform the following command in order to build firmware images:
ninja pack-ipl
It will generate firmware archive under output/ipl
folder. Please use
RCar flash tool to update the firmware.
To generate Aos image, issue the following command:
ninja full.img
It will generate full.img
file in the current folder. In this product Aos image should be flashed on SD card only. The
easiest way to flash SD card is to attach it to the host PC and flash it using rouge
or dd
Using dd
to flash SD card:
dd if=full.img of=/dev/sdX conv=sparse
Using rouge
to flash SD card:
rouge aos-rcar-gen3.yaml -i full -so /dev/sdX
has no interactive prompts and will overwrite your device right
Alternatively, SD card can be flashed using BSP build or
prod-devel-rcar launched over TFTP+NFS.
Once, the board is started, put full.img
into NFS folder and copy the image into SD card, using the following command
on Gen3 board:
dd if=/full.img of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=32M status=progress oflag=direct
If the board was provisioned before it is required to clean the zephyr storage in order to perform provisioning procedure again:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=32M count=1
The following U-Boot variable should be set for Aos image:
setenv aos_device 'mmc 0'
setenv aos_boot_device 'mmcblk1'
setenv aos_default_vars 'setenv aos_boot_main 0; setenv aos_boot1_ok 1; setenv aos_boot2_ok 1; setenv aos_boot_part 0'
setenv aos_load_vars 'run aos_default_vars; if load ${aos_device}:3 ${loadaddr} uboot.env; then env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize}; fi'
setenv aos_save_vars 'env export -t ${loadaddr} aos_boot_main aos_boot_part aos_boot1_ok aos_boot2_ok; fatwrite ${aos_device}:3 ${loadaddr} uboot.env 0x3E'
setenv aos_boot1 'if test ${aos_boot1_ok} -eq 1; then setenv aos_boot1_ok 0; setenv aos_boot2_ok 1; setenv aos_boot_part 0; setenv aos_boot_slot 1; echo "==== Boot from part 1"; run aos_save_vars; run aos_boot_cmd; fi'
setenv aos_boot2 'if test ${aos_boot2_ok} -eq 1; then setenv aos_boot2_ok 0; setenv aos_boot1_ok 1; setenv aos_boot_part 1; setenv aos_boot_slot 2; echo "==== Boot from part 2"; run aos_save_vars; run aos_boot_cmd; fi'
setenv aos_boot_cmd 'ext2load ${aos_device}:${aos_boot_slot} 0x83000000 boot.uImage; source 0x83000000'
setenv bootcmd_aos 'run aos_load_vars; if test ${aos_boot_main} -eq 0; then run aos_boot1; run aos_boot2; else run aos_boot2; run aos_boot1; fi'
setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_aos'