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A PHP-based user-authenticated Saas boilerplate by aoWare, using:

System Requirements

  • Web server with URL rewriting
  • Composer
  • PHP 8.1 or newer.
  • MySQL/MariaDB.
  • Composer


  • git clone clone git repo
  • cd slim-saas-boilerplate change working directory to root project folder
  • composer install install dependencies
  • cp config.dist config.php creates a new config file for you
  • Edit config.php with MySQL configurations and more
  • Execute db_source/migrations/initial_db.sql run initial database migration


  • set virtual host to project public folder

PHP Coding Standards

  • Only use snake case for variables, classes, namespace (everything really)
  • Configuration parameters should be stored in /config.dist and /config.php. Those should have a prefix of CONF_ to clearly identify them in the source code
  • Do not use abbreviations in variables or classes definition. $ac_in could be read as $account_inported or $actual_invoice.
  • Do not use include or require. All classes should be autoloaded or in a container
  • Do not use use. All objects should be defined with their full qualified namespace path.
  • DB queries must use prepare statements. 2 methods:
    • use generated models that provided methods for each indexes existing on a table.
    • use DBAL nextras/dbal Database Abstraction Layer
  • DB object create statements to be stored in folder /db_source in the appropriate object type
  • All controllers should return a valid PSR 7 response (html, json, download/stream or redirection). echo $something;die(); is not permitted.
  • $_SESSION variable should only use a single entry login_token, which sole purpose is to validate the user logged in against the login_token column in the users table

MYSQL naming Standards

  • Only use snake case for tables, columns, functions and procedures names
  • Do not use abbreviations in variables or classes definition.
  • Column names should not repeat the name of the table. For example client_rep_name should be name in table client_rep.
  • First column of all tables must be set as id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
  • All tables to have a comment
  • Columns with ambiguous name should have a comment
  • Column that reference a foreign key should be set as "table_name_in_singular"_id int(11) NOT NULL
  • Index should be named as 'IDX_' + table name + column(s) name, where table name and columns name are in snake_case