- Feature #4047 Support chatGPT source connector
- Feature #4458 Support mysql Sink Connector feature
- Feature #4788 Support disruptor as memory queue
- Feature #4812 Set up Admin Endpoints v2
- Feature #4824 Add HTTP Sink Connector
- Feature #4847 HTTPS/(m)TLSv1.3 support for HTTP Admin Server
- Feature #4852 Support Jraft algorithm as meta storage
- Feature #4869 Add Webhook support for HTTP Source Connector
- Feature #4931 Add Registry Module and Support SPI
- Feature #4933 Admin Server Module
- Feature #4935 Add and Move the Pojo Used By Both Runtime and Admin to Common
- Feature #4937 fix gradle dependecy and add runtime v2
- Feature #4939 Add Canal Connector
- Feature #4979 Canal Connector supports bidirectional data synchronization
- Feature #5031 Http Connector Adaptation Work
- Feature #5039 support full sync of mysql
- Feature #5040 Support gtid mode for sync data with mysql
- Feature #5050 prepare for createTask, verify data
- Feature #5108 Abstracting and transforming EventMeshFunction, and implementing FunctionRuntime.
- Enhancement #3095 Method invocation may produce 'NullPointerException'[MessageUtils]
- Enhancement #3833 Do some code optimization.[ZookeeperMetaService]
- Enhancement #3411 Do some code optimization[ReplyMessageProcessor]
- Enhancement #3430 Refactor eventmesh-metrics-prometheus module
- Enhancement #3824 Do some code optimization.[MessageEntity]
- Enhancement #3830 InterruptedExceptions should not be ignored in the code.[ProducerImpl]
- Enhancement #4095 Code optimization. [EtcdCustomService]
- Enhancement #4540 Unit test for ThreadUtils
- Enhancement #4633 Optimize the message body of the Rust SDK's returned reply message
- Enhancement #4665 Unify 'LiteMessage' to 'EventMeshMessage'
- Enhancement #4677 Tcp Codec enhancement
- Enhancement #4686 Shell scripts should preserve LF line endings
- Enhancement #4694 operator needs to start each component in order, and the component CPU resource limit.
- Enhancement #4697 Use Fluent Logging API to provide accurate, concise, and elegant logging
- Enhancement #4707 Update rust sdk toolchain
- Enhancement #4712 Add shutdown for nacosConfigService
- Enhancement #4728 Deploy eventmesh-operator to a k8s cluster
- Enhancement #4731 Optimize the HttpRequestProcessor can obtain executor
- Enhancement #4750 Integrate Runtime admin endpoints with Netty server phase 1
- Enhancement #4767 Integrate Runtime admin endpoints with Netty server phase 2
- Enhancement #4795 Optimize OffsetStorageWriterImpl#beginFlush method handle logic
- Enhancement #4796 Create thread pool using custom ThreadPoolFactory
- Enhancement #4873 Optimize some configuration information of HTTP Sink Connector
- Enhancement #4990 Unit test for HttpConvertsUtils.java
- Enhancement #4991 Unit test For LogUtil.java
- Enhancement #4992 Unit test for JsonPathUtils.java
- Enhancement #5020 Optimize unit tests and code
- Enhancement #5044 Data synchronization strong verification in mariadb gtid mode
- Enhancement #5048 Add report verify request to admin for connector runtime
- Enhancement #5052 Enhancement for source\sink connector
- Enhancement #5067 Enhancement for eventmesh-admin-server
- Enhancement #5069 Enhancement for http source/sink connector
- Enhancement #5071 Enhancement for admin server and canal source/sink connector
- Enhancement #5073 Fix eventmesh-admin-server createTask response error
- Enhancement #5075 update eventmesh-admin-server create task response
- Enhancement #5077 HTTP Sink Connector supports result callback
- Enhancement #5079 Enhancement update for admin-server
- Enhancement #5081 Enhancement update for connectors & admin-server
- Enhancement #5092 Add test for EtcdCustomService.java
- Enhancement #5101 Define and standardize some common configurations for all Sources
- Enhancement #5137 update connector runtime v2 module
- Enhancement #5139 update canal connector module
- Enhancement #5141 update eventmesh-admin-server module
- Enhancement #5144 update eventmesh-connector-http module
- Bug #4630 Fix concurrency problem and split task handle threadpool
- Bug #4667 Some connectors have not been included in the package
- Bug#4670 Docker build failed due to a low JDK version
- Bug #4690 Kafka Connector failed to start
- Bug #4695 TcpClient not thread safety.
- Bug #4701 Use tcp protocol client send message, it throw a DecoderException
- Bug #4723 Can not obtain metadata when nacos enable authentication
- Bug #4770 Empty class member cause NullpointerException
- Bug #4778 Standalone MessageQueue does not down counter when dequeue
- Bug #4820 EventHandler missing return json
- Bug #4855 close tcp client failed
- Bug #5105 Fix the retry mechanism of the HttpSinkConnector.
- Bug #5127 Create topic error in Standalone mode