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Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Saga 0.2.0
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.2.0
- [SCB-426] - The type of CompensationContext.context field should be thread-safe
- [SCB-480] - [pack] GrpcTxEvent miss the timeout when converting the TxEvent
- [SCB-505] - The service should throw the exception when the saga transaction is timeout
- [SCB-566] - mysql.sql doesn't have the retried and retryMethod in the TxEvent table
- [SCB-584] - DubboConsumerFilterTest fails on linux
- [SCB-615] - fix typos in EventScanner
New Feature
- [SCB-245] - [pack] support to intercept dubbo's requests
- [SCB-246] - [pack] add demo to use pack with dubbo
- [SCB-410] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 in Saga
- [SCB-428] - Add omegaUniquaIdGenerator to the omega id generator
- [SCB-429] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.10
- [SCB-433] - Update the maven docker plugin running setting
- [SCB-436] - Clean up the docker-compose file of booking demo
- [SCB-463] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.0.1.Release
- [SCB-464] - Upgrade Java Chassis version to 1.0.0-m1
- [SCB-465] - Start the build metrics of Saga in travis
- [SCB-497] - Omega test log issue
- [SCB-545] - Update the length of field serviceName from varchar(16) to varchar(36)
- [SCB-547] - EventScaner abort if the findFirstAbortedGlobalTxByType has more than one result
- [SCB-568] - Provide web page for pack Demo
- [SCB-569] - Add document about SSL setup of Pack
- [SCB-571] - Decouple OmegaContext in the Application
- [SCB-573] - Split the docker-compose file for debugging easily
- [SCB-583] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.13.Release and 2.0.2.Release
- [SCB-628] - correct the naming of demos
- [SCB-632] - reformat code according to the google code style
- [SCB-633] - Correct artifactId and module of saga-spring-cloud-demo
- [SCB-641] - Add the dubbo transport plugin into release kit
- [SCB-642] - Update the third party dependencies version in the License file
- [SCB-20] - JDK9 not supported when unit testing while doc showing JDK8+
- [SCB-153] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0
- [SCB-390] - [pack] Investigating the Byteman and the Cucumber with running the recovery acceptance tests
- [SCB-437] - [Doc] Provide a FAQ list for Saga project
- [SCB-452] - Write java doc for some class
- [SCB-555] - Add Saga Dubbo demo to show how to manage the transactions with Dubbo
- [SCB-635] - Cut Saga-0.2.0 Release
- [SCB-647] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for release