0.8.0 [RELEASE]
use openjdk-9 for deterministic Apalache Docker images, see #318
support for advanced syntax in TLC configs, see #208
random seed for z3, see docs/ and #318
correct translation of chained substitutions in INSTANCEs, see #143
friendly messages for unexpected expressions, see #303
better operator inlining, see #283
support for standard modules that are instantiated with LOCAL INSTANCE, see #295
support for LAMBDAs, see #285 and #289
bugfix in treatment of recursive operators, see #273
no theories in the model checker due to types, see #22
operators and checker caches made Serializable
better diagnostics for the recursive operators, see #272
verbose output for the config parser, see #266
Use a staged docker build, reducing container size ~70%, see #195
Use Z3-TurnKey instead of a
bespoke Z3 build, see #219
Use Z3 version, see #219
Re-stabilized tests on recursive operators, see #344
Changed the assignment paradigm; solver now finds assignments without SMT, see #366
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