C-SHELPh is the Classification of Sub-aquatic Height Extracted Photons. It is designed to isolate bathymetric photons in ICESat2 ATL03 files.
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas utm numpy matplotlib s3fs xarray zarr pyproj proj-data h5py earthaccess h5netcdf dask
pip install cshelph
- run_bathymetry_extraction.ipynb: A notebook designed to process single tracks to gain familiarity with the software
- run_bathy_extraction.py: Automated runs of c-shelph for mass processing
python run_bathy_extraction.py -i icesat2_atl03_file.h5 -l 1 -th 20
-i: the input ICESat2 ATL03 h5 file
-l: laser number (1-3)
-th: density threshold value (percentile; 0-100) which is used to change the sensitivity of the photon classification to noise