###What is it This script helps to automate downloading tracks from Deezer with dezeer.link
###How to install
- Install Firefox browser
- Clone the repository
- It is recommended to use it with virtualenv. Create virtual environment and activate it:
virtualenv env
source ./env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
###How to use To download all tracks from playlist run:
python adeezer.py -p <playlist_id>
To download all tracks from album run:
python adeezer.py -a <album_id>
To download all your favourite tracks:
python adeezer.py -f <user_id>
python adeezer.py -f <email>
python adeezer.py -f <username>
All tracks will be downloaded to <HOME>/Downloads/<item_id>
To populate ID3 tags of the downloaded mp3 files based on their name use command:
python add_tags.py <path_to_folder> "<album_name>"