Example Assignments for Use with the Ruby AutoGrader
Usual platform: linux or mac, ruby 1.9.3
Option 1 Install on class VM from http://beta.saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions:
- Fork on github: https://github.com/AgileVentures/AutoGraderExamples
git clone https://github.com/<your user name>/AutoGraderExamples
, and cd there.ruby -v
should be '1.9.3'git checkout develop
which is the default presently.gem install cucumber rspec
cucumber install
cucumber features
- "Error due to Missing Gems?" cd to AutoGraderExamples/rag/ and do
bundle install
there, thencd ..
- install VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- install Vagrant from http://www.vagrantup.com/
- fork on github: https://github.com/AgileVentures/AutoGraderExamples
- install Git on your machine
- on Windows add "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin" (or the correct path on your machine) to your Path environment variable
- ON YOUR HOST: clone your repo
- cd to the cloned directory
- edit that Vagrantfile if you want the vm to use other than 1024 Mb memory and 1 cpu
vagrant box add hashicorp/precise32
=> new-style image if you have new Vagrant.- on older versions of Vagrant:
vagrant box add precise32
and remove the same bit from Vagrantfile.
- on older versions of Vagrant:
vagrant up
=> launches and provisions vm if first run, may see warnings and encoding errorvagrant ssh
=> command line accesscd /AutoGraderExamples
cucumber install
=> installs gems and rag directory- if it times out, cd rag and bundle install manually
=> runs tests- other vagrant commands are
vagrant halt
=> stopping, andvagrant destroy
=> permanently delete VM - Problems? Send a pull request, it's a great advantage of the vagrant paradigm.
Git-immersion Note: For deployment, and feature tests using Octokit.client over 60/hr, you must do this!
- The OAuth ENV var
used in mvp_spec.rb allows 5000/hr rate limit, whereas anonymous Octokit calls allow 60/hr. - If not set, it will try to use anonymous connect. Pull requests from forks to AgileVentures/AutoGraderExamples are detected and try to use the anonymous connect.
- Generate the token on GitHub > Settings > Applications > Personal API Token with Zero Scopes. Uncheck all boxes to allow only read access of public data.
- For production deployment and Your local, it is set by admin (you?), eg in /etc/environment and start a new shell.
- For travis CI, it has been encrypted and added to .travis.yml under env:global:secure
- It is encrypted with
gem install travis && travis encrypt GIT_IMMERSION_TOKEN=<a token>
runs a feature per homework.cucumber features/git_immersion_testing.feature
runs a single feature.
- gitimmersion: homework added by instructor
- autograder: tests run on student submissions, one per courseware section
- public: skeletons and readmes included in courseware
- solutions: instructor answers to homework problems, one with full score
- features: integration testing features, one per homework added by instructor
- step_definitions: one per feature with similar name
- install: autograder installer infrastructure
Naming conventions:
- top-level homework directory: 'boxcar-case'
- integration features: 'snake_case' ending in 'testing'