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Merge pull request #102 from apex-enterprise-patterns/Issue-101---Cor… #52

Merge pull request #102 from apex-enterprise-patterns/Issue-101---Cor…

Merge pull request #102 from apex-enterprise-patterns/Issue-101---Cor… #52

name: Create a Scratch Org, Push Source and Run Apex Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2 #Check out this repo
ref: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.ref}}
repository: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name}}
- name: Install SF CLI and authorize DevHub
uses: apex-enterprise-patterns/setup-sfdx@v2 #We're using a fork of for safety
sfdx-auth-url: ${{ secrets.DEVHUB_SFDXURL }}
- name: Install the required plugins
run: echo y | sf plugins install shane-sfdx-plugins
- name: Setup the config parameters needed
run: sf config set target-dev-hub SFDX-ENV --global #Even though the setup-sfdx action uses --setdefaultdevhubusername, it doesn't seem to stick since it uses --setdefaultusername so we brute force it here
- name: Create the scratch org
run: sf org create scratch --definition-file config/project-scratch-def.json --set-default --duration-days 1 --no-track-source
- name: Deploy and compile the codebase
run: sf project deploy start
- name: Run the core framework tests
run: sf apex run test --wait 5
# Intentionally install the Sample Code after the core AEP Commons test pass succeeds so that we don't deploy anything in Sample Code
# that could mask a test failure. A much more involved solution would've been to do a workflow_dispatch to the samplecode project.
- name: Install sample code project to verify with
run: sf shane github src install --convert --githubuser apex-enterprise-patterns --repo force-di-samples --path force-app-1
- run: sf shane github src install --convert --githubuser apex-enterprise-patterns --repo force-di-samples --path force-app-2
- run: sf shane github src install --convert --githubuser apex-enterprise-patterns --repo force-di-samples --path force-app-3
- run: sf shane github src install --convert --githubuser apex-enterprise-patterns --repo force-di-samples --path force-di-trigger-demo
- name: Run the core framework tests and the sample code project tests
run: sf apex run test --wait 5
- name: Destroy scratch org
run: sf org delete scratch --no-prompt
if: always()