The project contents contains the code nessesary to generate a extendable 3D carousel within Unity's UGUI system. This project provides provide the following features:
- Layout Functionality
- The organize elements in a radial pattern
- Elements don't need to be uniform in size
- Spacing between elements
- Adjustable Radius Scale
- Invert element display pattern
- Reverse arrangement of child elements
- A place to customize the Dynamic style of displayed elements
- The organize elements in a radial pattern
- Scroll View Functionality
- Recieve and handle input for both Drag and Scroll events
- Multiple Movement types
- Elastic
- Clamped
- Unrestricted
- Single Element Focus
- The ability to set the focused child element from a transform
- The ability when scrolling to snap the the closest child element
- Editor Support
- Gizmo's to preview empty element space's in scene view
The relevant files can be located in the following directory's
- CarouselLayoutGroup.cs
- ./Assets/Scripts/CarouselLayoutGroups.cs
- UI-Z_order.shader
- ./Assets/Scripts/UI-Z_order.shader
- Create a Panel on a Canvas in Unity
- Attach CarouselLayoutGroup in Unity
- Create an Image as a child of the panel named "Item (0)"
- Create a custom material called "UI-Z_Order" and set its shader to use UI/UI-Z_Order
- This will allow the Unity to properly render overlapping child elements by writing to the depth buffer.
- Apply the "UI-Z_Order" material to "Item (0)"'s image component
- Attach a 'Canvas Group' component to "Item (0)"
- Duplicate "Item (0)" a few times
- Press play and and interact with Carousel
- Open CarouselLayoutGroup.cs with code editor of choice
- Navigate to the function named "FormatChild"
- Make desired changes
Here is an example of what could be done to make changes to the FormatChild Function
private void FormatChild(float theta, ChildItem child)
if (Alpha)
var alpha = GetAlpha(theta); //the alpha represents the visiblity of an element
var canvasGroup = child.transform.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if (canvasGroup)
canvasGroup.alpha = alpha;
//make element only interactable if the object is visible
canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = alpha > 0;
child.transform.localScale = new Vector3(alpha, alpha, alpha); //use the alpha value to adjust the scale of the child elements.