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Visually build with BigCommerce components

In this example, you will learn how to integrate BigCommerce with Makeswift to create a visually editable ecommerce store.

This example includes a home page for listing products by category and a product template page for including all the details.


Deploy your own

Deploy your own with Vercel or preview live with StackBlitz

Deploy with Vercel

Note: If you are just trying out Makeswift with our e-commerce template feel free use this example store and the read-only access token for your deployment.


Using this repo

  1. Create a site in Makeswift and a shop in BigCommerce

    Head over to Makeswift and sign up for a free account. Create a site using the option to "Integrate with Next.js", and copy the Site API key. You will need it in step 3.

    Then head over to BigCommerce and create a store. Here is a guide to get you started.

    Note: If you are just trying out Makeswift with our e-commerce template feel free use this example store and the read-only access token for your development.

  2. Clone this template

    Instead of using create-next-app, run this command from the terminal:

    npx degit makeswift/makeswift/examples/bigcommerce bigcommerce
    cd bigcommerce

    It will download this subdirectory of the makeswift/makeswift repo without including git history.

  3. Update environment variables

    Rename .env.local.example to .env.local and update it with values from your BigCommerce and Makeswift accounts.

    • BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_NAME and BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_HASH can be found in the BigCommerce dashboard

    • BIGCOMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN requires you to create an API account

    • and finally the MAKESWIFT_SITE_API_KEY comes from your Makeswift site. It is the value you copied from step 1.

  4. Start the dev server

    Run this command from the terminal:

    yarn dev

    Your Next.js app should be up and running at http://localhost:3000.

  5. Create a home page with a list of products

    1. Create a blank page

      Look for the plus button in the left toolbar and specify "Blank page".

    2. Edit the page's URL to be /

      Hover over the "Untitled page" you just created, click on the ellipsis that appears, and click "Edit URL".

    3. Drop in the Product list component

      Look for the ellipsis menu in the left toolbar and drop the Product list component into Makeswift.

      With the Product list component selected, update the category you want to display and the number of products in the right panels labeled 'Category' and 'Count' respectively.

  6. Create a product page template with product specific details

    1. Create a blank page

      Look for the plus button in the left toolbar and specify "Blank page."

    2. Edit page's URL to be /__product__

      Hover over the "Untitled page" you just created, click on the ellipsis that appears, and click "Edit URL".

      You should set this value to the productTemplatePathname from /lib/config.ts which comes predefined in this template as /__product__.

    3. Drop in Product specific components

      Look for the ellipsis menu in the left toolbar again and drop the Product price, Product name, and Add to cart button into Makeswift.

Putting it all together

With a home page and product template pages created it's probably a good time to explain what's going on.

How is BigCommerce product data getting to components?

The /pages/[[...path]].tsx route uses Next.js' getStaticProps to get page data from Makeswift.

const makeswiftResult = await makeswiftGetStaticProps(ctx)

It also uses getStaticProps to get product data from BigCommerce.

const products = await getProducts()
const product = await getProduct()

Both Makeswift and BigCommerce data is then passed into the Page component via props.

return { ...makeswiftResult, props: { ...makeswiftResult.props, products, product } }

And exposed to components via context in /pages/_app.tsx.

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    <ProductsContext.Provider value={pageProps.products}>
      <ProductContext.Provider value={pageProps.product}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />

How are product pages being generated from the template (/__product__) route?

The /pages/product/[slug].tsx route uses Next.js' getStaticPaths api to generate page slugs from BigCommerce products.

export async function getStaticPaths(): Promise<GetStaticPathsResult> {
  const products = await getProducts()

  return {
    paths: => ({ params: { slug: product.entityId.toString() } })),
    fallback: 'blocking',

The resulting pages use the same makeswift data from the template (/__product__) makeswift page.

const makeswiftResult = await makeswiftGetStaticProps({
  params: {
    path: config.makeswift.productTemplatePathname.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'),

While dynamically pulling different products from BigCommerce based on the slug.

const slug = ctx.params?.slug

/* ... */

const product = await getProduct(Number.parseInt(slug.toString(), 10))

Why are cart API requests routed through /page/api/[checkout|cart]?

At the time of making this example the BigCommerce Storefront API is readonly and doesn't include cart mutations. In order to keep the BIGCOMMERCE_ACCESS_TOKEN private we are proxying all BigCommerce Management requests through /page/api/[checkout|cart]

More details on managing carts on a custom storefront can be found here.

Next steps

With Makeswift, you can give your marketing team hand-crafted, ecommerce building blocks to create a custom store.

To learn more about Makeswift, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Makeswift GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!