Example repository to show how to create an in-house-router chart which makes use of the main router chart. The focus is illustrating how to add support for Rhai
Note: This repo contains a helm chart which "wraps" the main router helm chart as a dependency.
In order to change it:
cd helm/chart/in-house-router
<edit the Chart.yaml file to updated versions etc...>
helm dependency update
<check the new Chart.yaml, Chart.lock files in to git>
Make sure you have all the appropriate credentials for your environment, then run these commands
helm dependencies update helm/chart/in-house-router
helm upgrade \
--install router helm/chart/in-house-router> \
--atomic \
--history-max 5 \
--set router.managedFederation.graphRef=${APOLLO_GRAPH_REF} \
--set router.managedFederation.apiKey=${APOLLO_API_KEY} \
--namespace <<parameters.domain>> \
-f ./config/in-house-router.yaml
- You only need the managedFederation lines if you are using managed federation.
- Make sure to set your namespace appropriately
If you want to confirm that a change you are making is at least going to generate valid yaml, you can run:
helm template --dry-run --debug helm/chart/in-house-router -f ./config/in-house-router.yaml