Reactive extensions to Eureka, based on ReactiveCocoa and ReactiveSwift.
Eureka is an elegant iOS form builder in declarative style.
ReactiveSwift is a cool library for Functional reactive programming. And ReactiveCocoa is a reactive extensions to Cocoa frameworks based on ReactiveSwift.
ReactiveEureka is a reactive extension for Eureka rows, base building blocks of forms.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 8+
- Swift 3
ReactiveEureka is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ReactiveEureka"
Currently ReactiveEureka provides following reactive primitives:
row.reactive.value of type ReactiveSwift.BindingTarget<Row.Value?> allows to bind signal/signal producer/property to row's value. For more details please check ReactiveSwift documentation
row.reactive.selected of type CocoaAction allows to hook ReactiveSwift action to row selection event.
Note: Currently only single actions is supported.
row.reactive.values of type ReactiveSwift.Signal<Row.Value?, NoError>, it is series of row value changing events over time that can be observed. For more details please check ReactiveSwift documentation
Note: Changing events are not emitted when row's value is set via property, i.e. row.value = someValue.
Note: Currently only single signal is supported, i.e. requesting second signal stops events emitting by first one.
All rows that implements core Eureka.RowType protocol, supports Binding. To add support of Signal and Action it is needed to extend a custom row class by protocols ReactiveEureka.RowChanging and ReactiveEureka.RowSelecting correspondigly.
ReactiveEureka is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.