Nerd Wix Spinner is a web component that will display a shim and a loading spinner graphic. This component is designed to work on Wix websites and within Wix's limitations, though it is not limited to just Wix usage.
Click here to view a demo of Nerd Wix Spinner in action!
To begin ensure your Wix site has Dev Mode enabled. If you are unsure how to do this please see
Now follow these steps to configure this component to be used on any page in your site.
Click the Plus Button to add an element to the page.
Choose Embed Code -> Popular Embeds -> Custom Element.
You can resize the element to be smaller if you like. It does not have to be large as the shim and spinner are generated dynamically. Make sure you drag the custom element to the header so it is available on all pages.
Now open the developer code panel found at the bottom of the window. Find the properties panel and change the ID of the custom element to spinner
Open the Public & Backend panel, and in the Public section add a new JS file named NerdWixSpinner.js
under the folder named custom-elements. If you do not have a folder named custom-element create it.
When you add this new file the code panel at the bottom of the window opens. Copy the contents from ./dist/NerdWixSpinner.js onto your clipboard and paste them into your new JavaScript file in Wix.
Now that we have the code we need to point the custom element to this code. Go back to the page and click on the custom element, then click on Choose Source. Selecting Velo File will present a drop down. In this drop down select the file NerdWixSpinner.js. Scroll down a little and enter the tag name nerd-wix-spinner
Congratulations! The Nerd Wix Spinner is configured!
The Nerd Wix Spinner component has one primary operations: show.
To show the spinner, execute the following code. This code assumes you've named the custom element spinner.
$w("#spinner").setAttribute("show", "true");
To hide the spinner:
$w("#spinner").setAttribute("show", "false");