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Publisher.replay provides the ability to keep state that is
preserved for multiple subscribers and across resubscribes.
Scottmitch committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent 3126482 commit 8d3d602
Showing 10 changed files with 1,380 additions and 112 deletions.

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -56,13 +56,17 @@
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.EmptyPublisher.emptyPublisher;
import static;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.FilterPublisher.newDistinctSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.MulticastPublisher.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_QUEUE_LIMIT;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.MulticastPublisher.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TERM_RESUB;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.MulticastPublisher.newMulticastPublisher;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.NeverPublisher.neverPublisher;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnCancelSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnCompleteSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnErrorSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnNextSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnRequestSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.PublisherDoOnUtils.doOnSubscribeSupplier;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.ReplayPublisher.newReplayPublisher;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.SubscriberUtils.deliverErrorFromSource;
import static io.servicetalk.utils.internal.DurationUtils.toNanos;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
@@ -2991,7 +2995,7 @@ public final <Key> Publisher<GroupedPublisher<Key, T>> groupToMany(
public final Publisher<T> multicastToExactly(int expectedSubscribers) {
return multicastToExactly(expectedSubscribers, 64);
return multicastToExactly(expectedSubscribers, DEFAULT_MULTICAST_QUEUE_LIMIT);

@@ -3023,7 +3027,7 @@ public final Publisher<T> multicastToExactly(int expectedSubscribers) {
public final Publisher<T> multicastToExactly(int expectedSubscribers, int queueLimit) {
return new MulticastPublisher<>(this, expectedSubscribers, true, true, queueLimit, t -> completed());
return newMulticastPublisher(this, expectedSubscribers, true, true, queueLimit, t -> completed());

@@ -3082,7 +3086,7 @@ public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers) {
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX multicast operator</a>
public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers, boolean cancelUpstream) {
return multicast(minSubscribers, 64, cancelUpstream);
return multicast(minSubscribers, DEFAULT_MULTICAST_QUEUE_LIMIT, cancelUpstream);

@@ -3145,7 +3149,7 @@ public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers, int queueLimit) {
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX multicast operator</a>
public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers, int queueLimit, boolean cancelUpstream) {
return multicast(minSubscribers, queueLimit, cancelUpstream, t -> completed());
return multicast(minSubscribers, queueLimit, cancelUpstream, DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TERM_RESUB);

@@ -3224,7 +3228,73 @@ public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers, int queueLimit,
public final Publisher<T> multicast(int minSubscribers, int queueLimit, boolean cancelUpstream,
Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
return new MulticastPublisher<>(this, minSubscribers, false, cancelUpstream, queueLimit, terminalResubscribe);
return newMulticastPublisher(this, minSubscribers, false, cancelUpstream, queueLimit, terminalResubscribe);

* Similar to {@link #multicast(int)} in that multiple downstream {@link Subscriber}s are enabled on the returned
* {@link Publisher} but also retains {@code history} of the most recently emitted signals from
* {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} which are emitted to new downstream {@link Subscriber}s before emitting new
* signals.
* @param history max number of items to retain which can be delivered to new subscribers.
* @return A {@link Publisher} that allows for multiple downstream subscribers and emits the previous
* {@code history} {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals to each new subscriber.
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX replay operator</a>
* @see ReplayStrategies#historyBuilder(int)
* @see #replay(ReplayStrategy)
public final Publisher<T> replay(int history) {
return replay(ReplayStrategies.<T>historyBuilder(history).build());

* Similar to {@link #multicast(int)} in that multiple downstream {@link Subscriber}s are enabled on the returned
* {@link Publisher} but also retains {@code history} of the most recently emitted signals
* from {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} which are emitted to new downstream {@link Subscriber}s before emitting
* new signals. Each item is only retained for {@code ttl} duration of time.
* @param history max number of items to retain which can be delivered to new subscribers.
* @param ttl duration each element will be retained before being removed.
* @param executor used to enforce the {@code ttl} argument.
* @return A {@link Publisher} that allows for multiple downstream subscribers and emits the previous
* {@code history} {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals to each new subscriber.
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX replay operator</a>
* @see ReplayStrategies#historyTtlBuilder(int, Duration, io.servicetalk.concurrent.Executor)
* @see #replay(ReplayStrategy)
public final Publisher<T> replay(int history, Duration ttl, io.servicetalk.concurrent.Executor executor) {
return replay(ReplayStrategies.<T>historyTtlBuilder(history, ttl, executor).build());

* Similar to {@link #multicast(int)} in that multiple downstream {@link Subscriber}s are enabled on the returned
* {@link Publisher} but will also retain some history of {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals
* according to the {@link ReplayAccumulator} {@code accumulatorSupplier}.
* @param accumulatorSupplier supplies a {@link ReplayAccumulator} on each subscribe to upstream that can retain
* history of {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals to deliver to new downstream subscribers.
* @return A {@link Publisher} that allows for multiple downstream subscribers that can retain
* history of {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals to deliver to new downstream subscribers.
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX replay operator</a>
* @see #replay(ReplayStrategy)
public final Publisher<T> replay(Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier) {
return replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<>(accumulatorSupplier).build());

* Similar to {@link #multicast(int)} in that multiple downstream {@link Subscriber}s are enabled on the returned
* {@link Publisher} but will also retain some history of {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals
* according to the {@link ReplayStrategy} {@code replayStrategy}.
* @param replayStrategy a {@link ReplayStrategy} that determines the replay behavior and history retention logic.
* @return A {@link Publisher} that allows for multiple downstream subscribers that can retain
* history of {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} signals to deliver to new downstream subscribers.
* @see <a href="">ReactiveX replay operator</a>
* @see ReplayStrategyBuilder
* @see ReplayStrategies
public final Publisher<T> replay(ReplayStrategy<T> replayStrategy) {
return newReplayPublisher(this, replayStrategy.accumulatorSupplier(), replayStrategy.minSubscribers(),
replayStrategy.cancelUpstream(), replayStrategy.queueLimitHint(),

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Subscriber;

import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

* Accumulates signals for the {@link Publisher} replay operator.
* @param <T> The type of data to accumulate.
public interface ReplayAccumulator<T> {
* Called on each {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} and intended to accumulate the signal so that new
* {@link Subscriber}s will see this value via {@link #deliverAccumulation(Consumer)}.
* <p>
* This method won't be called concurrently, but should return quickly to minimize performance impacts.
* @param t An {@link Subscriber#onNext(Object)} to accumulate.
void accumulate(@Nullable T t);

* Called to deliver the signals from {@link #accumulate(Object)} to new {@code consumer}.
* @param consumer The consumer of the signals previously aggregated via {@link #accumulate(Object)}.
void deliverAccumulation(Consumer<T> consumer);

* Called if the accumulation can be cancelled and any asynchronous resources can be cleaned up (e.g. timers).
default void cancelAccumulation() {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.TerminalNotification;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SubscriberApiUtils.unwrapNullUnchecked;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SubscriberApiUtils.wrapNull;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.ConcurrentUtils.releaseLock;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.ConcurrentUtils.tryAcquireLock;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.SubscriberUtils.safeOnComplete;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.SubscriberUtils.safeOnError;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.TerminalNotification.complete;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.TerminalNotification.error;
import static io.servicetalk.utils.internal.ThrowableUtils.addSuppressed;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

final class ReplayPublisher<T> extends MulticastPublisher<T> {
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<ReplayPublisher.ReplayState> signalQueuedUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ReplayPublisher.ReplayState.class, "signalsQueued");
private final Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier;

private ReplayPublisher(
Publisher<T> original, Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier, int minSubscribers,
boolean cancelUpstream, int maxQueueSize, Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
super(original, minSubscribers, false, cancelUpstream, maxQueueSize, terminalResubscribe);
this.accumulatorSupplier = requireNonNull(accumulatorSupplier);

static <T> MulticastPublisher<T> newReplayPublisher(
Publisher<T> original, Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier, int minSubscribers,
boolean cancelUpstream, int maxQueueSize, Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
ReplayPublisher<T> publisher = new ReplayPublisher<>(original, accumulatorSupplier, minSubscribers,
cancelUpstream, minSubscribers, terminalResubscribe);
publisher.resetState(maxQueueSize, minSubscribers);
return publisher;

void resetState(int maxQueueSize, int minSubscribers) {
state = new ReplayState(maxQueueSize, minSubscribers, accumulatorSupplier.get());

private final class ReplayState extends MulticastPublisher<T>.State {
private final ReplayAccumulator<T> accumulator;
* We could check {@link #subscriptionEvents} is empty, but there are events outside of {@link Subscriber}
* signals in this queue that we don't care about in terms of preserving order, so we keep this count instead
* to only queue when necessary.
volatile long signalsQueued;

ReplayState(final int maxQueueSize, final int minSubscribers,
ReplayAccumulator<T> accumulator) {
super(maxQueueSize, minSubscribers);
this.accumulator = requireNonNull(accumulator);

public void onNext(@Nullable final T t) {
// signalsQueued must be 0 or else items maybe delivered out of order. The value will only be increased
// on the Subscriber thread (no concurrency) and decreased on the draining thread. Optimistically check
// the value here and worst case if the queue has been drained of signals and this thread hasn't yet
// observed the value we will queue but still see correct ordering.
if (signalsQueued == 0 && tryAcquireLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
try {
// All subscribers must either see this direct onNext signal, or see it through the accumulator.
// Therefore, we accumulate and deliver onNext while locked to avoid either delivering the signal
// twice (accumulator, addSubscriber, and onNext) or not at all (missed due to concurrency).
} finally {
if (!releaseLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
} else {

public void onError(final Throwable t) {
if (signalsQueued == 0 && tryAcquireLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
try {
} finally {
if (!releaseLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
} else {

public void onComplete() {
if (signalsQueued == 0 && tryAcquireLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
try {
} finally {
if (!releaseLock(subscriptionLockUpdater, this)) {
} else {

void processOnNextEvent(Object wrapped) {
// subscriptionLockUpdater is held
final T unwrapped = unwrapNullUnchecked(wrapped);

void processTerminal(TerminalNotification terminalNotification) {
// subscriptionLockUpdater is held
if (terminalNotification.cause() != null) {
} else {

boolean processSubscribeEvent(MulticastFixedSubscriber<T> subscriber,
@Nullable TerminalSubscriber<?> terminalSubscriber) {
// subscriptionLockUpdater is held
if (terminalSubscriber == null) {
// Only call the super class if no terminal event. We don't want the super class to terminate
// the subscriber because we need to deliver any accumulated signals, and we also don't want to
// track state in demandQueue because it isn't necessary to manage upstream demand, and we don't want
// to hold a reference to the subscriber unnecessarily.
super.processSubscribeEvent(subscriber, null);
Throwable caughtCause = null;
try {
// It's safe to call onNext before onSubscribe bcz the base class expects onSubscribe to be async and
// queues/reorders events to preserve ReactiveStreams semantics.
} catch (Throwable cause) {
caughtCause = cause;
} finally {
if (terminalSubscriber != null) {
if (caughtCause != null) {
if (terminalSubscriber.terminalError != null) {
// Use caughtCause as original otherwise we keep appending to the cached Throwable.
safeOnError(subscriber, addSuppressed(caughtCause, terminalSubscriber.terminalError));
} else {
safeOnError(subscriber, caughtCause);
} else if (terminalSubscriber.terminalError != null) {
safeOnError(subscriber, terminalSubscriber.terminalError);
} else {
} else if (caughtCause != null) {
safeOnError(subscriber, caughtCause);
// Even if we terminated we always want to continue processing to trigger onSubscriber and allow queued
// signals from above to be processed when demand arrives.
return true;

void upstreamCancelled() {
// subscriptionLockUpdater is held

private void queueOnNext(@Nullable T t) {

private void queueTerminal(TerminalNotification terminalNotification) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.Cancellable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.Executor;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SubscriberApiUtils.unwrapNullUnchecked;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SubscriberApiUtils.wrapNull;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.EmptySubscriptions.EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTION_NO_THROW;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater;

* Utilities to customize {@link ReplayStrategy}.
public final class ReplayStrategies {
private ReplayStrategies() {

* Create a {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder} using the history strategy.
* @param history max number of items to retain which can be delivered to new subscribers.
* @param <T> The type of {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder}.
* @return a {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder} using the history strategy.
public static <T> ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> historyBuilder(int history) {
return new ReplayStrategyBuilder<>(() -> new MostRecentReplayAccumulator<>(history));

* Create a {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder} using the history and TTL strategy.
* @param history max number of items to retain which can be delivered to new subscribers.
* @param ttl duration each element will be retained before being removed.
* @param executor used to enforce the {@code ttl} argument.
* @param <T> The type of {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder}.
* @return a {@link ReplayStrategyBuilder} using the history and TTL strategy.
public static <T> ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> historyTtlBuilder(int history, Duration ttl, Executor executor) {
return new ReplayStrategyBuilder<>(() -> new MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator<>(history, ttl, executor));

private static final class MostRecentReplayAccumulator<T> implements ReplayAccumulator<T> {
private final int maxItems;
private final Deque<Object> list = new ArrayDeque<>();

MostRecentReplayAccumulator(final int maxItems) {
if (maxItems <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxItems: " + maxItems + "(expected >0)");
this.maxItems = maxItems;

public void accumulate(@Nullable final T t) {
if (list.size() >= maxItems) {

public void deliverAccumulation(final Consumer<T> consumer) {
for (Object item : list) {

private static final class MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator<T> implements ReplayAccumulator<T> {
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator> stateSizeUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator.class, "stateSize");
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator, Cancellable>
timerCancellableUpdater = newUpdater(MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator.class, Cancellable.class,
private final Executor executor;
private final Queue<TimeStampSignal<T>> items;
private final long ttlNanos;
private final int maxItems;
* Provide atomic state for size of {@link #items} and also for visibility between the threads consuming and
* producing. The atomically incrementing "state" ensures that any modifications from the producer thread
* are visible from the consumer thread and we never "miss" a timer schedule event if the queue becomes empty.
private volatile long stateSize;
private volatile Cancellable timerCancellable;

MostRecentTimeLimitedReplayAccumulator(final int maxItems, final Duration ttl, final Executor executor) {
if (ttl.isNegative()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ttl: " + ttl + "(expected non-negative)");
if (maxItems <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxItems: " + maxItems + "(expected >0)");
this.executor = requireNonNull(executor);
this.ttlNanos = ttl.toNanos();
this.maxItems = maxItems;
items = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); // SpMc

public void accumulate(@Nullable final T t) {
// We may exceed max items in the queue but this method isn't invoked concurrently, so we only go over by
// at most 1 item.
items.add(new TimeStampSignal<>(executor.currentTime(NANOSECONDS), t));
for (;;) {
final long currentStateSize = stateSize;
final int currentSize = getSize(currentStateSize);
final int nextState = getState(currentStateSize) + 1;
if (currentSize >= maxItems) {
if (stateSizeUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentStateSize,
buildStateSize(nextState, currentSize))) {
} else if (stateSizeUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentStateSize,
buildStateSize(nextState, currentSize + 1))) {
if (currentSize == 0) {

public void deliverAccumulation(final Consumer<T> consumer) {
for (TimeStampSignal<T> timeStampSignal : items) {

public void cancelAccumulation() {
final Cancellable cancellable = timerCancellableUpdater.getAndSet(this, EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTION_NO_THROW);
if (cancellable != null) {

private static int getSize(long stateSize) {
return (int) stateSize;

private static int getState(long stateSize) {
return (int) (stateSize >>> 32);

private static long buildStateSize(int state, int size) {
return (((long) state) << 32) | size;

private void schedulerTimer(long nanos) {
for (;;) {
final Cancellable currentCancellable = timerCancellable;
if (currentCancellable == EMPTY_SUBSCRIPTION_NO_THROW) {
} else {
final Cancellable nextCancellable = executor.schedule(this::expireSignals, nanos, NANOSECONDS);
if (timerCancellableUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentCancellable, nextCancellable)) {
// Current logic only has 1 timer outstanding at any give time so cancellation of
// the current cancellable shouldn't be necessary but do it for completeness.
if (currentCancellable != null) {
} else {

private void expireSignals() {
final long nanoTime = executor.currentTime(NANOSECONDS);
TimeStampSignal<T> item;
for (;;) {
// read stateSize before peek, so if we poll from the queue we are sure to see the correct
// state relative to items in the queue.
final long currentStateSize = stateSize;
item = items.peek();
if (item == null) {
} else if (nanoTime - item.timeStamp >= ttlNanos) {
final int currentSize = getSize(currentStateSize);
if (stateSizeUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentStateSize,
buildStateSize(getState(currentStateSize) + 1, currentSize - 1))) {
// When we add: we add to the queue we add first, then CAS sizeState.
// When we remove: we CAS the atomic state first, then poll.
// This avoids removing a non-expired item because if the "add" thread is running faster and
// already polled "item" the CAS will fail, and we will try again on the next loop iteration.
if (currentSize == 1) {
// a new timer task will be scheduled after addition if this is the case. break to avoid
// multiple timer tasks running concurrently.
} else {
schedulerTimer(ttlNanos - (nanoTime - item.timeStamp));
break; // elements sorted in increasing time, break when first non-expired entry found.

private static final class TimeStampSignal<T> {
final long timeStamp;
final T signal;

private TimeStampSignal(final long timeStamp, @Nullable final T signal) {
this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
this.signal = signal;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Subscriber;

import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

* Used to customize the strategy for the {@link Publisher} replay operator.
* @param <T> The type of data.
public interface ReplayStrategy<T> {
* Get the minimum number of downstream subscribers before subscribing upstream.
* @return the minimum number of downstream subscribers before subscribing upstream.
int minSubscribers();

* Get a {@link Supplier} that provides the {@link ReplayAccumulator} on each upstream subscribe.
* @return a {@link Supplier} that provides the {@link ReplayAccumulator} on each upstream subscribe.
Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier();

* Determine if all the downstream subscribers cancel, should upstream be cancelled.
* @return {@code true} if all the downstream subscribers cancel, should upstream be cancelled. {@code false}
* will not cancel upstream if all downstream subscribers cancel.
boolean cancelUpstream();

* Get a hint to limit the number of elements which will be queued for each {@link Subscriber} in order to
* compensate for unequal demand and late subscribers.
* @return a hint to limit the number of elements which will be queued for each {@link Subscriber} in order to
* compensate for unequal demand and late subscribers.
int queueLimitHint();

* Get a {@link Function} that is invoked when a terminal signal arrives from upstream and determines when state
* is reset to allow for upstream resubscribe.
* @return A {@link Function} that is invoked when a terminal signal arrives from upstream, and
* returns a {@link Completable} whose termination resets the state of the returned {@link Publisher} and allows
* for downstream resubscribing. The argument to this function is as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code null} if upstream terminates with {@link Subscriber#onComplete()}</li>
* <li>otherwise the {@link Throwable} from {@link Subscriber#onError(Throwable)}</li>
* </ul>
Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe();
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Subscriber;

import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Completable.never;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.MulticastPublisher.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_QUEUE_LIMIT;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

* A builder of {@link ReplayStrategy}.
* @param <T> The type of data for {@link ReplayStrategy}.
public final class ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> {
private int minSubscribers = 1;
private final Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier;
private boolean cancelUpstream;
private int queueLimitHint = DEFAULT_MULTICAST_QUEUE_LIMIT;
private Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe = t -> never();

* Create a new instance.
* @param accumulatorSupplier provides the {@link ReplayAccumulator} to use on each subscribe to upstream.
public ReplayStrategyBuilder(Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier) {
this.accumulatorSupplier = requireNonNull(accumulatorSupplier);

* Set the minimum number of downstream subscribers before subscribing upstream.
* @param minSubscribers the minimum number of downstream subscribers before subscribing upstream.
* @return {@code this}.
public ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> minSubscribers(int minSubscribers) {
if (minSubscribers <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minSubscribers: " + minSubscribers + " (expected >0)");
this.minSubscribers = minSubscribers;
return this;

* Determine if all the downstream subscribers cancel, should upstream be cancelled.
* @param cancelUpstream {@code true} if all the downstream subscribers cancel, should upstream be cancelled.
* {@code false} will not cancel upstream if all downstream subscribers cancel.
* @return {@code this}.
public ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> cancelUpstream(boolean cancelUpstream) {
this.cancelUpstream = cancelUpstream;
return this;

* Set a hint to limit the number of elements which will be queued for each {@link Subscriber} in order to
* compensate for unequal demand and late subscribers.
* @param queueLimitHint a hint to limit the number of elements which will be queued for each {@link Subscriber} in
* order to compensate for unequal demand and late subscribers.
* @return {@code this}.
public ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> queueLimitHint(int queueLimitHint) {
if (queueLimitHint < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxQueueSize: " + queueLimitHint + " (expected >1)");
this.queueLimitHint = queueLimitHint;
return this;

* Set a {@link Function} that is invoked when a terminal signal arrives from upstream and determines when state
* is reset to allow for upstream resubscribe.
* @param terminalResubscribe A {@link Function} that is invoked when a terminal signal arrives from upstream, and
* returns a {@link Completable} whose termination resets the state of the returned {@link Publisher} and allows
* for downstream resubscribing. The argument to this function is as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code null} if upstream terminates with {@link Subscriber#onComplete()}</li>
* <li>otherwise the {@link Throwable} from {@link Subscriber#onError(Throwable)}</li>
* </ul>
* @return {@code this}.
public ReplayStrategyBuilder<T> terminalResubscribe(
Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
this.terminalResubscribe = requireNonNull(terminalResubscribe);
return this;

* Build the {@link ReplayStrategy}.
* @return the {@link ReplayStrategy}.
public ReplayStrategy<T> build() {
return new DefaultReplayStrategy<>(minSubscribers, accumulatorSupplier, cancelUpstream, queueLimitHint,

private static final class DefaultReplayStrategy<T> implements ReplayStrategy<T> {
private final int minSubscribers;
private final Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier;
private final boolean cancelUpstream;
private final int queueLimitHint;
private final Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe;

private DefaultReplayStrategy(
final int minSubscribers, final Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier,
final boolean cancelUpstream, final int queueLimitHint,
final Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
this.minSubscribers = minSubscribers;
this.accumulatorSupplier = accumulatorSupplier;
this.cancelUpstream = cancelUpstream;
this.queueLimitHint = queueLimitHint;
this.terminalResubscribe = terminalResubscribe;

public int minSubscribers() {
return minSubscribers;

public Supplier<ReplayAccumulator<T>> accumulatorSupplier() {
return accumulatorSupplier;

public boolean cancelUpstream() {
return cancelUpstream;

public int queueLimitHint() {
return queueLimitHint;

public Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe() {
return terminalResubscribe;

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.api;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.test.internal.TestPublisherSubscriber;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SourceAdapters.toSource;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.DeliberateException.DELIBERATE_EXCEPTION;
import static java.time.Duration.ofMillis;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;

final class ReplayPublisherTest extends MulticastPublisherTest {
private final TestPublisherSubscriber<Integer> subscriber4 = new TestPublisherSubscriber<>();
private final TestExecutor executor = new TestExecutor();

void tearDown() throws Exception {

<T> Publisher<T> applyOperator(Publisher<T> source, int minSubscribers) {
return source.replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<T>(EmptyReplayAccumulator::emptyAccumulator)

<T> Publisher<T> applyOperator(Publisher<T> source, int minSubscribers, boolean cancelUpstream) {
return source.replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<T>(EmptyReplayAccumulator::emptyAccumulator)

<T> Publisher<T> applyOperator(Publisher<T> source, int minSubscribers, int queueLimit,
Function<Throwable, Completable> terminalResubscribe) {
return source.replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<T>(EmptyReplayAccumulator::emptyAccumulator)

<T> Publisher<T> applyOperator(Publisher<T> source, int minSubscribers, int queueLimit) {
return source.replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<T>(EmptyReplayAccumulator::emptyAccumulator)

<T> Publisher<T> applyOperator(Publisher<T> source, int minSubscribers, int queueLimit, boolean cancelUpstream) {
return source.replay(new ReplayStrategyBuilder<T>(EmptyReplayAccumulator::emptyAccumulator)

@ValueSource(booleans = {true, false})
void twoSubscribersHistory(boolean onError) {
Publisher<Integer> publisher = source.replay(2);
assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));
source.onNext(1, 2, null);
assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(3), contains(1, 2, null));

assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));

assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(2), contains(2, null));

assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(), is(4));
assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(), is(4));


@ValueSource(booleans = {true, false})
void subscribeAfterTerminalDeliversHistory(boolean onError) {
Publisher<Integer> publisher = source.replay(2);
assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));
source.onNext(1, 2, 3);
assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(3), contains(1, 2, 3));
if (onError) {
assertThat(subscriber1.awaitOnError(), is(DELIBERATE_EXCEPTION));
} else {

assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(2), contains(2, 3));
if (onError) {
assertThat(subscriber2.awaitOnError(), is(DELIBERATE_EXCEPTION));
} else {

@ValueSource(booleans = {true, false})
void threeSubscribersSum(boolean onError) {
Publisher<Integer> publisher = source.replay(SumReplayAccumulator::new);
assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));
source.onNext(1, 2, 3);
assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(3), contains(1, 2, 3));

assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));

assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(), equalTo(6));

assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(), is(4));
assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(), is(4));

assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));
assertThat(subscriber3.takeOnNext(), equalTo(10));

assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(5L));

assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(), is(5));
assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(), is(5));
assertThat(subscriber3.takeOnNext(), is(5));


@ValueSource(booleans = {true, false})
void threeSubscribersTTL(boolean onError) {
final Duration ttl = ofMillis(2);
Publisher<Integer> publisher = source.replay(2, ttl, executor);
assertThat(subscription.requested(), is(4L));
source.onNext(1, 2);
executor.advanceTimeBy(1, MILLISECONDS);
source.onNext((Integer) null);
assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(3), contains(1, 2, null));

assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(2), contains(2, null));

executor.advanceTimeBy(1, MILLISECONDS);
assertThat(subscriber3.takeOnNext(), equalTo(null));

assertThat(subscriber1.takeOnNext(), equalTo(4));
assertThat(subscriber2.takeOnNext(), equalTo(4));
assertThat(subscriber3.takeOnNext(), equalTo(4));

executor.advanceTimeBy(ttl.toMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
assertThat(subscriber4.pollOnNext(10, MILLISECONDS), nullValue());


@ParameterizedTest(name = "{displayName} [{index}] expectedSubscribers={0} expectedSum={1}")
@CsvSource(value = {"500,500", "50,50", "50,500", "500,50"})
void concurrentSubscribes(final int expectedSubscribers, final long expectedSum) throws Exception {
Publisher<Integer> replay = source.replay(SumReplayAccumulator::new);
CyclicBarrier startBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(expectedSubscribers + 1);
Completable[] completables = new Completable[expectedSubscribers];
TestPublisherSubscriber<Integer>[] subscribers = (TestPublisherSubscriber<Integer>[])
new TestPublisherSubscriber[expectedSubscribers];
Executor executor = Executors.newCachedThreadExecutor();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < subscribers.length; ++i) {
final TestPublisherSubscriber<Integer> currSubscriber = new TestPublisherSubscriber<>();
subscribers[i] = currSubscriber;
completables[i] = executor.submit(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

Future<Void> future = Completable.mergeAll(completables.length, completables).toFuture();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSum; ++i) {
subscription.awaitRequestN(i + 1);

source.onComplete(); // deliver terminal after all requests have been delivered.

for (final TestPublisherSubscriber<Integer> currSubscriber : subscribers) {
int numOnNext = 0;
long currSum = 0;
while (currSum < expectedSum) {
Integer next = currSubscriber.takeOnNext();
if (next != null) {
currSum += next;
try {
assertThat(currSum, equalTo(expectedSum));
} catch (Throwable cause) {
throw new AssertionError("failure numOnNext=" + numOnNext, cause);

assertThat(subscription.isCancelled(), is(false));
} finally {

private static final class EmptyReplayAccumulator<T> implements ReplayAccumulator<T> {
static final ReplayAccumulator<?> INSTANCE = new EmptyReplayAccumulator<>();

private EmptyReplayAccumulator() {

static <T> ReplayAccumulator<T> emptyAccumulator() {
return (ReplayAccumulator<T>) INSTANCE;

public void accumulate(@Nullable final T t) {

public void deliverAccumulation(final Consumer<T> consumer) {

private static final class SumReplayAccumulator implements ReplayAccumulator<Integer> {
private int sum;

public void accumulate(@Nullable final Integer integer) {
if (integer != null) {
sum += integer;

public void deliverAccumulation(final Consumer<Integer> consumer) {
if (sum != 0) {
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* Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.concurrent.reactivestreams.tck;

import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Publisher;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class PublisherReplayTckTest extends AbstractPublisherOperatorTckTest<Integer> {
protected Publisher<Integer> composePublisher(Publisher<Integer> publisher, int elements) {
return publisher.replay(1);

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