awk simulators for the pacbiohifi assembly reading from the graphs. easy to use awk for the coverage and the length files.
# example usage more look into the code and the upcoming awk library.
#plotting the length right in the terminal after filtering out the short unitigs
# binning them according to the length filter and then making the sense of the assembled unitigs
for i in $(cat test.cov | awk '{ print $3 }'); \
do if [[ $i -ge "${lengthselectionsort}" ]] then; \
echo $i; fi; done | youplot barplot
for i in $(cat test.cov | awk '{ print $3 }'); \
do if [[ $i -ge "${lengthselectionsort}" ]] then; \
echo $i; fi; done | youplot histogram
Gaurav Sablok
University of Potsdam