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Merge pull request #649 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from SDK_v7.…
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* commit 'bf8ce18342392ddfce27f6c1f49d5f4fed3babad': (21 commits)
  SDK v7.7
  Merge pull request #644 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4426_FB_Update to develop
  Merge pull request #647 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4550_IAB_TCF2.0_Precedence_iOS to develop
  Merge pull request #640 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from ExpireViaANNativeAdRequestDelegate to develop
  Merge pull request #645 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4543_NativeAssemblyScroll to develop
  Merge pull request #643 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4498_Admob_Update to develop
  Merge pull request #600 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4263_KeyWindow_Deprecated to develop
  Merge pull request #641 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4449_TestModeIOS to develop
  Merge pull request #623 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4490-getAuctionId to develop
  removed unused line of code
  fixed unit tests
  changed from 0/1 to true/false
  Merge pull request #630 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4501-SmartAd to develop
  Discontinued Adapters
  Changes to support bitcode
  unused imports
  removed new API
  Merge pull request #631 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4522_IDFA_NON_STATIC to develop
  Merge pull request #621 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4240_NativeAdRequest_BG to develop
  Merge pull request #632 in MOBILE-SDK/app_mobile-sdk-ios from MS-4403_TestCases_Exp_NewClasses to develop
  • Loading branch information
avermaiOS committed Oct 8, 2020
2 parents e2c1e0c + bf8ce18 commit e2ef6c4
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Showing 273 changed files with 4,680 additions and 2,109 deletions.
57 changes: 5 additions & 52 deletions AppNexusSDK.podspec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ do |s| = "AppNexusSDK"
s.version = "7.6.2"
s.version = "7.7"
s.platform = :ios, "9.0"

s.summary = "AppNexus iOS Mobile Advertising SDK"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,81 +29,34 @@ DESC

s.subspec 'GoogleAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '7.64.0'
subspec.dependency 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '7.66.0'
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/GoogleAdMob/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/GoogleAdMob/ANAdAdapterNativeAdMob.h"
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK/**' }

s.subspec 'AmazonAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'AmazonAd', ''
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/Amazon/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/Amazon/ANAdAdapterBaseAmazon.h"
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/AmazonAd/**' }

s.subspec 'FacebookCSRAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'FBAudienceNetwork', '5.10.1'
subspec.dependency 'FBAudienceNetwork', '6.0.0'
subspec.source_files = "csr/Facebook/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "csr/Facebook/*.h"
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/FBAudienceNetwork/**' }

s.subspec 'FacebookAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'FBAudienceNetwork', '5.10.1'
subspec.dependency 'FBAudienceNetwork', '6.0.0'
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/Facebook/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/Facebook/ANAdAdapterNativeFacebook.h"
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/FBAudienceNetwork/**' }

s.subspec 'InMobiAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'InMobiSDK', '7.3.1'
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/InMobi/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/InMobi/ANAdAdapterBaseInMobi.h","mediation/mediatedviews/InMobi/ANAdAdapterNativeInMobi.h"
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/InMobiSDK/**' }

s.subspec 'MillennialMediaAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.vendored_frameworks = "mediation/mediatedviews/MillennialMedia/MillennialMediaSDK/MMAdSDK.framework"
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/MillennialMedia/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/MillennialMedia/ANAdAdapterMillennialMediaBase.h"
subspec.framework = 'AVFoundation', 'AudioToolbox', 'EventKit', 'EventKitUI'
subspec.libraries = 'xml2'

s.subspec 'MoPubAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'mopub-ios-sdk', '5.8.0'
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/MoPub/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/MoPub/ANAdAdapterMoPubBase.h"

s.subspec 'SmartAdAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/SmartAd/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediatedviews/SmartAd/ANAdAdapterSmartAdBase.h"
subspec.dependency 'Smart-Display-SDK', '7.3.0'
subspec.dependency 'Smart-Display-SDK', '7.6.2'
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/Smart-Display-SDK/**' }

s.subspec 'MoPubCustomEventAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'mopub-ios-sdk', '5.8.0'
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediating/MoPub/*.{h,m}"
subspec.public_header_files = "mediation/mediating/MoPub/*.h"

s.subspec 'AdMobCustomEventAdapter' do |subspec|
subspec.dependency 'AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK', "#{s.version}"
subspec.dependency 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '7.50.0'
subspec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '${PODS_ROOT}/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK/**' }
subspec.source_files = "mediation/mediating/GoogleAdMob/*.{h,m}"
subspec.private_header_files = "mediation/mediating/GoogleAdMob/*.h"

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
## 7.7
### New Feature
+ MS-4412 Added support for listening to Ad Expiry events for Native Ads []
+ MS-4449 Added support for setting test flags to bypass request filtering (for testing purposes only)[]
+ MS-4459 AuctionId information is now available through AdResponseInfo class
### Mediation partner updates
+ MS-4426 Upgraded Facebook SDK to v6.0.0
+ MS-4499 Upgraded SmartAd Server SDK to v7.6.2
+ MS-4498 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK to v7.66.0
+ MS-4418 Discontinued support for Amazon, inMobi, Millennial Media and Mopub adapters.(Github Intent to Implement #53)
### Improvements/Bug Fixes
+ MS-4550 Updated GDPR logic. Now priority will be given to IAB TCF2.0 strings
+ MS-4543 Fixed scrolling for Native Assembly WebView
+ MS-4522 Fixed caching issues with ANAdvertisingIdentifier. Now it will be fetched for every single request.

## 7.6.2
### New Feature
+ MS-4433: Support for determining app-tracking permission status based on trackingAuthorizationStatus enum values (authorized, denied) []
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <AppNexusSDK/AppNexusSDK.h>

@interface AppDelegate ()

Expand All @@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ @implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
[[ANSDKSettings sharedInstance] optionalSDKInitialization];
return YES;

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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions mediation/discontinued/README.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
discontinued folder contains adapters that are no longer actively maintained or supported

We saw little to no usage for some of the mediation adapters that are included in the Mobile SDK. We will NOT be actively maintaining or supporting the adapters in the list (see below) from the SDKv7.7 release onwards.

Millennial Media

The adapters will be removed from Podspec(Cocoapods).

Please note that there is no plan to remove/deprecate the aforementioned adapters in code, but rather adapters are moved into a different folder(mediation/discontinued) within the Mobile SDK repository.
If there is enough interest in certain mediation adapter(s), we are open to the idea of adding them back to our list of supported adapters.

If you have any questions/comments please let us know either via GitHub/or via Xandr Support.
File renamed without changes.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions script/
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Expand Up @@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ rm -fr "$OUTDIR" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -fr "$OD_DEVICE" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -fr "$OD_SIMULATOR" > /dev/null 2>&1

echo "Bitcode enabled"

function buildDevice {
echo "Building framework for device:" $1
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphoneos" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphoneos" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE="bitcode" OTHER_CFLAGS="$BITCODEFLAG" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"/$1
mv "$OUTDIR"/$1.framework "$OUTDIR"/$1/$1.framework

function buildSim {
echo "Building framework for simulator:" $1
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphonesimulator" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphonesimulator" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE="bitcode" OTHER_CFLAGS="$BITCODEFLAG" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"/$1
mv "$OUTDIR"/$1.framework "$OUTDIR"/$1/$1.framework
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions script/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ rm -fr "$OUTDIR" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -fr "$OD_DEVICE" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -fr "$OD_SIMULATOR" > /dev/null 2>&1

echo "Bitcode enabled"

function buildDevice {
echo "Building framework for device:" $1
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphoneos" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphoneos" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE="bitcode" OTHER_CFLAGS="$BITCODEFLAG" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"/$1
mv "$OUTDIR"/$1.framework "$OUTDIR"/$1/$1.framework

function buildSim {
echo "Building framework for simulator:" $1
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphonesimulator" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
xcodebuild -project "AppNexusSDK.xcodeproj" -scheme $1 -configuration "Release" -sdk "iphonesimulator" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE="bitcode" OTHER_CFLAGS="$BITCODEFLAG" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="$OUTDIR" SYMROOT="$BUILDDIR" OBJROOT="$BUILDDIR" > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || { echo "Error in build check log "$LOGFILE""; exit;}
mkdir -p "$OUTDIR"/$1
mv "$OUTDIR"/$1.framework "$OUTDIR"/$1/$1.framework
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