This is very early days.
Currently the code consists of a couple of helper functions you can use to run an approval test inside a unit test. It has no line by line comparitor yet. I am simply using a diff plugin.
A test looks something like the one below.
- The input builder is a hook function that assembles the parameters to call the SUT (System Under Test) with.
- The test data is a Keyword that holds the various values that exercise the corner cases.
ExApproval.gen_test_data_set(test_data_set, input_builder)
creates a list of parameter sets that contains all the permutations of the test data.- All the file writing and comparing files is still in the test.
# If you want to set up special output file names you can define the parts here
# otherwise they default to the test file name.
# def config do
# %Approvals{
# project_name: "approval_tests",
# test_name: "example_test",
# file_extension: "txt",
# file_path: "test"
# }
# end
test "Example approvals test" do
input_builder = fn %{name: name, sell_in: sell_in, quality: quality} ->
%Item{name: name, sell_in: sell_in, quality: quality}
test_data =
name: [
"Aged Brie",
"Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert",
"Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros"
sell_in: [-1, 0, 1, 10, 50],
quality: [0, 1, 49, 50]
|> Approvals.gen_test_data_set(input_builder)
|> Approvals.verify()