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Reporting and data retrieval app for Open edX.

Figures is on PyPI

Oct 13, 2022 - Figures release 0.4.4

This release includes a performance fix for the site-monthly-metric API.

Aug 15, 2022 - Figures release 0.4.3

This release includes bug fixes. Of note:

Also includes a foundational update for MAU 2:

Mar 3, 2022 - Figures release 0.4.2

This release adds an optionan new pipeline workflow

For details, please read here

To enable this feature, you need to update the LMS settings (aka 'server-vars.yml') as follows:


  DAILY_TASK: 'figures.tasks.populate_daily_metrics_next'

In Django settigs, you would check the var here:

from django.conf import settings

PR about the workflow update:

  • Pipeline improvement prerequisites
  • Figures pipeline performance improvement
  • Fix enrollment data backfill Django management command

Other PRs

  • Revert devsite 'courseware' app namepace back to originial
  • Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.10 in /frontend
  • Bump urijs from 1.19.6 to 1.19.8 in /frontend

Feb 4, 2022 - Main Branch

main is the new default branch

Jan 28, 2022 - Figures release 0.4.1

Figures 0.4.1 is finally here. After several development releases, we realized it was time to just move to production releases.

Figures 0.4.x release series supports Open edX Juniper, Hawthorn, and Ginkgo

Please visit Figures releases page for details on specific releases.

30 Oct 2020 - Figures release 0.3.19

  • Fix the comparison showing N/A when comparing to zero
  • Fix Figures devsite settings

26 Oct 2020 - Figures release 0.3.18

  • FIX - Removed dependency on 'packaging.versions'
    • #272
    • NOTE: This PR updates a previous commit that required the packaging package

16 Oct 2020 - Figures release 0.3.17

  • Reworked SiteMonthlyMetrics registered users metric. This was causing the /figures/api/site-monthly-metrics/registered_users endpoint to timeout with a 500 error
  • Fixed Ginkgo (Django Filter 0.11.0) Backward compatibility issues
  • UI Bug fix: Add success feedback to csv export dialog
  • Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 in /frontend

28 Sep 2020 - Figures release 0.3.16

  • Add Learners Progress Overview to main menu
  • Performance and test improvement for LearnerMetricsViewSet
  • Fix code that doesn't work on Ginkgo (Django 1.8)

11 Sep 2020 - Figures release 0.3.15

  • Learner progress overview UI improvements

24 Aug 2020 - Figures release 0.3.14

  • Added multi-course filtering to the learner-metrics API endpoint
  • Small cosmetic issues in new Learners Progress Overview page

14 Aug 2020 - Figures release 0.3.13

  • Learner metrics Prerelease API and UI
  • Improve logging for monthly metrics pipeline and set default to run the monthly metrics pipeline task
  • Bug fix: Site level certificate metrics

15 Jul 2020 - Figures release 0.3.12

  • Adds enrollment metrics API endpoint
  • Site monthly metrics API performance improvement
  • Initial implementation of Celery support for Figures devsite

29 Jun 2020 - Figures release 0.3.11

  • Fixes incorrect site monthly metrics course completion data
  • Fixes CourseDailyMetricsSerializer when average_progress is 1.00
  • Updates pipeline enrollment metrics queries to improve performance
  • Added site pipeline progress indicator to logging
  • Bump devsite Django 1.11 to version 1.11.29
  • Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 in /frontend

21 May 2020 - Figures release 0.3.10

  • Improved daily metrics pipeline performance
  • Bug fixes

24 Apr 2020 - Figures release 0.3.9

  • Updated UI, MAU fix, style fixes, label changes
  • Added site monthly metrics scheduled tasks to fill last month's MAU
  • Added Django Debug Toolbar to devsite

10 Apr 2020 - Figures release 0.3.8

  • Performance improvement to "Site Monthly Metrics" active users endpoint

8 Apr 2020 - Figures release 0.3.7

  • Updated UI to improve performance and usability
  • Added "Course Monthly Metrics" set of API endpoints

16 Feb 2020 - Figures release 0.3.6

  • Updated UI to address performance issues
  • Added missing organizations to devsite settings INSTALLED_APPS

20 Feb 2020 - Figures release 0.3.5

Client (UI and API) facing updates

  • Site Monthly Metrics pipeline and new API endpoints
  • Added Course MAU metrics API endpoint and pipeline
  • Added user email address to general user data
  • Bug fix - URL pattern fix for figures/

Developer facing updates

  • Updated Django micro version to Figures devsite
  • Added missing .env file for Makefile support
  • Added Pylint to testing
  • Refactored permissions module

29 Jan 2020 - Figures release 0.3.4

  • Hawthorn support since release 0.3.0
  • This release includes bug fixes, UI improvements, and backport support for Ginkgo
  • Includes a standalone development mode. See the developer quickstart guide


Figures is a reporting and data retrieval app. It plugs into the edx-platform LMS app server. Its goal is to provide site-wide and cross-course analytics that compliment Open edX's traditional course-centric analytics.

To evolve Figures to meet community needs, we are keeping in mind as principles the following features, which Jill Vogel outlined in her lightweight analytics post on ed Xchange:

  • Real time (or near real time) updates
  • Lightweight deployment
  • Flexible reporting
  • Simpler contributions

Please refer to the Figures design document for more details on goals and architecture.


For all Open edX releases:

  • Python (2.7)

For Hawthorn:

  • Django (1.11)

For Ginkgo:

  • Django (1.8)


NOTICE: Installation instructions are out of date and backlogged for update


Go here for instructions to install and run Figures in devstack.


Go here for instructions to install Figures in production.

Project Architecture


The Figures user interface is a JavaScript Single Page Application (SPA) built with React and uses the create-react-app build scaffolding generator.


The Figures back-end is a reusable Django app. It contains a set of REST API endpoints that serve a dual purpose of providing data to the front-end and to remote clients.


TODO: Improve the testing instructions

The unit tests should be able to run on any OS that supports Python 2.7.x

Clone the repo:

[email protected]:appsembler/figures.git

Go to the project directory:

cd figures

Create a virtualenv for Python 2.7.x.

Install required Python packages:

pip install -r devsite/requirements.txt

From the figures repository root directory:


If all goes well, the Figures unit tests will all complete succesfully


Figures can be configured via Django settings' FIGURES key. Open edX reads configuration from the /edx/etc/lms.yml file both in devstack and production servers. In releases before Juniper it was the lms.env.json file.

A Figures configuration may look like the following:

FEATURES:  # The standard Open edX feature flags
        # ... other features goes here ...
        # ... more features goes there ...

FIGURES:  # Other Figures configurations
        SITES_BACKEND: 'openedx.core.djangoapps.appsembler.sites.utils:get_active_sites'
        REQUESTED_SITE_BACKEND: 'tahoe_figures_plugins.sites:get_current_site_or_by_uuid'
        FIGURES_PIPELINE_TASKS_ROUTING_KEY: 'edx.lms.core.high'

Settings like SITES_BACKEND require a path to a Python function or class. The path is consists of two parts: a Python module e.g. my_plugin_package.helpers and an object e.g my_helper separated by a colon e.g. my_plugin_package.helpers:my_helper.

This object would be imported by the import_from_path helper in the figures/ module.

Configuration options

  • FEATURES.FIGURES_IS_MULTISITE (default False): Boolean feature flag to run Figures in a single-site mode by default (when set to False) most popular Open edX installation option. The multisite mode requires a custom edx-organizations fork that is used for Appsembler Tahoe clusters.
  • FIGURES.SITES_BACKEND (default None): A Python path to function to list figures sites. For example, this is useful to customize which sites are processed and which are considered inactive. By default (when None is used) all sites are listed in the multi-site mode.
  • REQUESTED_SITE_BACKEND (default None): Python path to a function that gets the current site. For example it can be used for API purposes to pass a Site ID to get a different site. By default (when None is used) the Django's get_current_site() helper is used.



  • Open edX "Hawthorn" will provide a plug-in architecture. This will hopefully simplify Figures installation even more
  • Downloadable report files
  • Plugin architecture to extend Figures for custom data sources

How to Contribute

TODO: Add details here or separate CONTRIBUTING file to the root of the repo

Reporting Issues

If you find bugs or run into issues, please submit an issue ticket to the Figures issue tracker on Github.

Reporting Security Issues

Please do not report security issues in public. Please email [email protected].