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Releases: apptentive/apptentive-android

3.3.0 - Improved Push API Methods

21 Oct 22:03
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Please read Migrating to 3.3.0

  • Added new APIs for handling Apptentive push notifications. You can now get a PendingIntent from Apptentive if we sent the push. The PendingIntent can be used to launch Message Center directly from your Notification object. Old APIs are deprecated.
  • Send debug status to the server so you can target only debug or non-debug builds with your interactions.


05 Oct 18:34
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  • Fixed a bug where apps with names or versions ending in an underscore weren't tracked properly.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Message Center composing area from gaining focus, even when tapped.
  • Removed unneeded multidex config.

3.2.1 - Bug Fixes

09 Aug 18:33
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Bugs Fixed

  • Add proguard rule to prevent obfuscating, which we load via reflection in a workaround for a bug in the support library.
  • Prevent NPE when animation runs after object is nulled.
  • Fix a bug that sometimes prevented the Message Center Composing view from gaining focus on user touch.

3.2.0 - NPS Survey Question Type

14 Jul 01:07
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  • Added a new "NPS" question type for surveys.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed Message Center composing bar exception thrown when the animation was in play after the fragment was detached.
  • Fixed Message Center exception caused by requesting focus on a nulled EditText.
  • Moved database calls off the UI thread.


21 Jun 03:08
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  • Defer message polling task until Message Center is opened, UnreadMessagesListener is registered, or a Push is received.
  • Add internal method to set the application theme programmatically from which the Apptentive UI will inherit styles.

Bugs Fixed

  • statusBarColor attribute was causing run-time exception on pre-21 devices.

3.1.0 - Improved Multiple Choice Survey Questions

09 Jun 06:59
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We've added a new answer type to multiple choice surveys. You can now specify an "Other" answer type for multiple choice questions. When a user selects this answer, a text input field will display. Any text entered in that field will be included in the survey response.

3.0.1 - Bug Fixes

26 May 20:43
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  • Thumbnail in Recents Screen was not using host app's theme when the top Activity was an Apptentive Activity.
  • Improve foreground / background detection.
  • Fix borderless button styling before API level 23.
  • Fix our UI to work better when the host app uses a translucent status bar.
  • Fix window panning issue that can result in the keyboard coering part of a survey.

3.0.0 - Big Styling and Integration Improvements

26 Apr 19:38
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  • We've made it much easier to integrate the Apptentive Android SDK into your app. Now, just add a single line to your build.gradle, and one to your Application class. If you are migrating from a prior version, make sure to follow our simple Migration Guide.
  • Our SDK's UI will now inherit all styles from your app, as long as you are using an AppCompat or Material theme. If you want to further customize our UI, or you aren't using an AppCompat or Material theme, you can override our styles. Check out our UI Customization Guide.
  • Our Surveys have been completely redesigned to use Material design. Your existing surveys will continue to work as before, but will look much better.
  • You can now launch our UI without passing in an Activity. This is useful for recording Events and showing Interactions from a Service or BroadcastReceiver. Interactions launched in this way will launch in a new task, while those launched with an Activity Context will launch on top of the Activity stack as before.
  • Other improvements include reducing sdk memory footprint and more accurate application lifecycle management.

2.1.4 - Bug Fixes

22 Mar 22:09
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This release addresses two very minor potential incompatibility issues:

  • All Apptentive resources now have "apptentive_" prefix
  • Apptentive Log class is renamed to "ApptentiveLog"


22 Jan 19:38
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  • If an app upgrading from pre-2.0.0 still has now obsolete NetworkStateReceiver defined in its manifest, an immediate run-time assertion error will help app developers detect early.