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[interfaces] Provide interfaces for AptosClient AptosRpcClient etc.
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gregnazario committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent 2dc4526 commit e6c2546
Showing 1 changed file with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions client.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,12 +77,359 @@ func init() {

// AptosClient is an interface for all functionality on the Client.
// It is a combination of [AptosRpcClient], [AptosIndexerClient], and [AptosFaucetClient] for the purposes
// of mocking and convenince.
type AptosClient interface {

// AptosRpcClient is an interface for all functionality on the Client that is Node RPC related. Its main implementation
// is [NodeClient]
type AptosRpcClient interface {
// SetTimeout adjusts the HTTP client timeout
// client.SetTimeout(5 * time.Millisecond)
SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)

// SetHeader sets the header for all future requests
// client.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer abcde")
SetHeader(key string, value string)

// RemoveHeader removes the header from being automatically set all future requests.
// client.RemoveHeader("Authorization")
RemoveHeader(key string)

// Info Retrieves the node info about the network and it's current state
Info() (info NodeInfo, err error)

// Account Retrieves information about the account such as [SequenceNumber] and [crypto.AuthenticationKey]
Account(address AccountAddress, ledgerVersion ...uint64) (info AccountInfo, err error)

// AccountResource Retrieves a single resource given its struct name.
// address := AccountOne
// dataMap, _ := client.AccountResource(address, "0x1::coin::CoinStore")
// Can also fetch at a specific ledger version
// address := AccountOne
// dataMap, _ := client.AccountResource(address, "0x1::coin::CoinStore", 1)
AccountResource(address AccountAddress, resourceType string, ledgerVersion ...uint64) (data map[string]any, err error)

// AccountResources fetches resources for an account into a JSON-like map[string]any in AccountResourceInfo.Data
// For fetching raw Move structs as BCS, See #AccountResourcesBCS
// address := AccountOne
// dataMap, _ := client.AccountResources(address)
// Can also fetch at a specific ledger version
// address := AccountOne
// dataMap, _ := client.AccountResource(address, 1)
AccountResources(address AccountAddress, ledgerVersion ...uint64) (resources []AccountResourceInfo, err error)

// AccountResourcesBCS fetches account resources as raw Move struct BCS blobs in AccountResourceRecord.Data []byte
AccountResourcesBCS(address AccountAddress, ledgerVersion ...uint64) (resources []AccountResourceRecord, err error)

// BlockByHeight fetches a block by height
// block, _ := client.BlockByHeight(1, false)
// Can also fetch with transactions
// block, _ := client.BlockByHeight(1, true)
BlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64, withTransactions bool) (data *api.Block, err error)

// BlockByVersion fetches a block by ledger version
// block, _ := client.BlockByVersion(123, false)
// Can also fetch with transactions
// block, _ := client.BlockByVersion(123, true)
BlockByVersion(ledgerVersion uint64, withTransactions bool) (data *api.Block, err error)

// TransactionByHash gets info on a transaction
// The transaction may be pending or recently committed.
// data, err := client.TransactionByHash("0xabcd")
// if err != nil {
// if httpErr, ok := err.(aptos.HttpError) {
// if httpErr.StatusCode == 404 {
// // if we're sure this has been submitted, assume it is still pending elsewhere in the mempool
// }
// }
// } else {
// if data["type"] == "pending_transaction" {
// // known to local mempool, but not committed yet
// }
// }
TransactionByHash(txnHash string) (data *api.Transaction, err error)

// TransactionByVersion gets info on a transaction from its LedgerVersion. It must have been
// committed to have a ledger version
// data, err := client.TransactionByVersion("0xabcd")
// if err != nil {
// if httpErr, ok := err.(aptos.HttpError) {
// if httpErr.StatusCode == 404 {
// // if we're sure this has been submitted, the full node might not be caught up to this version yet
// }
// }
// }
TransactionByVersion(version uint64) (data *api.CommittedTransaction, err error)

// PollForTransactions Waits up to 10 seconds for transactions to be done, polling at 10Hz
// Accepts options PollPeriod and PollTimeout which should wrap time.Duration values.
// hashes := []string{"0x1234", "0x4567"}
// err := client.PollForTransactions(hashes)
// Can additionally configure different options
// hashes := []string{"0x1234", "0x4567"}
// err := client.PollForTransactions(hashes, PollPeriod(500 * time.Milliseconds), PollTimeout(5 * time.Seconds))
PollForTransactions(txnHashes []string, options ...any) error

// WaitForTransaction Do a long-GET for one transaction and wait for it to complete
// data, err := client.WaitForTransaction("0x1234")
WaitForTransaction(txnHash string, options ...any) (data *api.UserTransaction, err error)

// Transactions Get recent transactions.
// Start is a version number. Nil for most recent transactions.
// Limit is a number of transactions to return. 'about a hundred' by default.
// client.Transactions(0, 2) // Returns 2 transactions
// client.Transactions(1, 100) // Returns 100 transactions
Transactions(start *uint64, limit *uint64) (data []*api.CommittedTransaction, err error)

// AccountTransactions Get transactions associated with an account.
// Start is a version number. Nil for most recent transactions.
// Limit is a number of transactions to return. 'about a hundred' by default.
// client.AccountTransactions(AccountOne, 0, 2) // Returns 2 transactions for 0x1
// client.AccountTransactions(AccountOne, 1, 100) // Returns 100 transactions for 0x1
AccountTransactions(address AccountAddress, start *uint64, limit *uint64) (data []*api.CommittedTransaction, err error)

// SubmitTransaction Submits an already signed transaction to the blockchain
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// rawTxn, _ := client.BuildTransaction(sender.AccountAddress(), txnPayload)
// signedTxn, _ := sender.SignTransaction(rawTxn)
// submitResponse, err := client.SubmitTransaction(signedTxn)
SubmitTransaction(signedTransaction *SignedTransaction) (data *api.SubmitTransactionResponse, err error)

// BatchSubmitTransaction submits a collection of signed transactions to the network in a single request
// It will return the responses in the same order as the input transactions that failed. If the response is empty, then
// all transactions succeeded.
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// rawTxn, _ := client.BuildTransaction(sender.AccountAddress(), txnPayload)
// signedTxn, _ := sender.SignTransaction(rawTxn)
// submitResponse, err := client.BatchSubmitTransaction([]*SignedTransaction{signedTxn})
BatchSubmitTransaction(signedTxns []*SignedTransaction) (response *api.BatchSubmitTransactionResponse, err error)

// SimulateTransaction Simulates a raw transaction without sending it to the blockchain
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// rawTxn, _ := client.BuildTransaction(sender.AccountAddress(), txnPayload)
// simResponse, err := client.SimulateTransaction(rawTxn, sender)
SimulateTransaction(rawTxn *RawTransaction, sender TransactionSigner, options ...any) (data []*api.UserTransaction, err error)

// GetChainId Retrieves the ChainId of the network
// Note this will be cached forever, or taken directly from the config
GetChainId() (chainId uint8, err error)

// BuildTransaction Builds a raw transaction from the payload and fetches any necessary information from on-chain
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// rawTxn, err := client.BuildTransaction(sender.AccountAddress(), txnPayload)
BuildTransaction(sender AccountAddress, payload TransactionPayload, options ...any) (rawTxn *RawTransaction, err error)

// BuildTransactionMultiAgent Builds a raw transaction for MultiAgent or FeePayer from the payload and fetches any necessary information from on-chain
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// rawTxn, err := client.BuildTransactionMultiAgent(sender.AccountAddress(), txnPayload, FeePayer(AccountZero))
BuildTransactionMultiAgent(sender AccountAddress, payload TransactionPayload, options ...any) (rawTxn *RawTransactionWithData, err error)

// BuildSignAndSubmitTransaction Convenience function to do all three in one
// for more configuration, please use them separately
// sender := NewEd25519Account()
// txnPayload := TransactionPayload{
// Payload: &EntryFunction{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "aptos_account",
// },
// Function: "transfer",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{},
// Args: [][]byte{
// dest[:],
// amountBytes,
// },
// }
// }
// submitResponse, err := client.BuildSignAndSubmitTransaction(sender, txnPayload)
BuildSignAndSubmitTransaction(sender *Account, payload TransactionPayload, options ...any) (data *api.SubmitTransactionResponse, err error)

// View Runs a view function on chain returning a list of return values.
// address := AccountOne
// payload := &ViewPayload{
// Module: ModuleId{
// Address: AccountOne,
// Name: "coin",
// },
// Function: "balance",
// ArgTypes: []TypeTag{AptosCoinTypeTag},
// Args: [][]byte{address[:]},
// }
// vals, err := client.aptosClient.View(payload)
// balance := StrToU64(vals.(any[])[0].(string))
View(payload *ViewPayload, ledgerVersion ...uint64) (vals []any, err error)

// EstimateGasPrice Retrieves the gas estimate from the network.
EstimateGasPrice() (info EstimateGasInfo, err error)

// AccountAPTBalance retrieves the APT balance in the account
AccountAPTBalance(address AccountAddress) (uint64, error)

// NodeAPIHealthCheck checks if the node is within durationSecs of the current time, if not provided the node default is used
NodeAPIHealthCheck(durationSecs ...uint64) (api.HealthCheckResponse, error)

// AptosFaucetClient is an interface for all functionality on the Client that is Faucet related. Its main implementation
// is [FaucetClient]
type AptosFaucetClient interface {
// Fund Uses the faucet to fund an address, only applies to non-production networks
Fund(address AccountAddress, amount uint64) error

// AptosIndexerClient is an interface for all functionality on the Client that is Indexer related. Its main implementation
// is [IndexerClient]
type AptosIndexerClient interface {

// QueryIndexer queries the indexer using GraphQL to fill the `query` struct with data. See examples in the indexer client on how to make queries
// var out []CoinBalance
// var q struct {
// Current_coin_balances []struct {
// CoinType string `graphql:"coin_type"`
// Amount uint64
// OwnerAddress string `graphql:"owner_address"`
// } `graphql:"current_coin_balances(where: {owner_address: {_eq: $address}})"`
// }
// variables := map[string]any{
// "address": address.StringLong(),
// }
// err := client.QueryIndexer(&q, variables)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// for _, coin := range q.Current_coin_balances {
// out = append(out, CoinBalance{
// CoinType: coin.CoinType,
// Amount: coin.Amount,
// })
// }
// return out, nil
QueryIndexer(query any, variables map[string]any, options ...graphql.Option) error

// GetProcessorStatus returns the ledger version up to which the processor has processed
GetProcessorStatus(processorName string) (uint64, error)

// GetCoinBalances gets the balances of all coins associated with a given address
GetCoinBalances(address AccountAddress) ([]CoinBalance, error)

// Client is a facade over the multiple types of underlying clients, as the user doesn't actually care where the data
// comes from. It will be then handled underneath
// To create a new client, please use [NewClient]. An example below for Devnet:
// client := NewClient(DevnetConfig)
// Implements AptosClient
type Client struct {
nodeClient *NodeClient
faucetClient *FaucetClient
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