ONCE: A feature generation app that identifies related NLP and codified features based on an input or target disease. For example: PheCodes and CUIs.
KESER Network: A tool to identify and visualize codified concepts relevant to diseases, medications, and procedures (e.g., PheCodes, RxNorm).
NILE: An NLP tool for fast and efficient processing of clinical notes to UMLS CUIs. Note: You will need a UMLS License to use this tool.
PETEHR: Python toolkit for EHR processing developed specifically for this tutorial. It is designed to process MIMIC-IV data and generate research-ready datasets.
Follow the steps below to set up and access a Jupyter Notebook running on the o2 server from your local machine.
Ensure that X11 forwarding is active on your system:
On your local machine, run the following command to log in to the o2
server and set up port forwarding:
ssh -Y -L 50001: [email protected]
After logging into o2, request an interactive compute node enabling X11 forwarding and setting up a network tunnelby running:
srun -t 0-00:40 --pty -p interactive --mem=12G --x11 --tunnel 50001:50001 /bin/bash
cd /n/scratch/users/v/va67/EHR_TUTORIAL_WORKSPACE
source activate ehr_tutorial
jupyter notebook --port=50001 --browser="none"
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:50001/tree
Once you are done, you can stop the Jupyter Notebook server by returning to the terminal where it is running and press: Ctrl+C