is a ActiveModel::Errors
compatible library to help you
customize the presentation of your error messages.
In ActiveModel::Errors
, when an error is added, it is pre translated into human readable string.
However, this becomes less ideal when output error messages in JSON or XML in your API.
Most of the times, we want error codes instead of human readable strings. This will allow
API consumers to translate them in their own application and provide more flexibility for your
works by separating the concerns of error message storage and presentation.
really handles four tasks in a single class:
- error data storage
- presenting human readable errors using
- presenting errors in Array / XML format with
- presenting errors in Hash / JSON format with
This gem seperates these concerns and allows users to plugin various reporters for different presentation needs.
# in Gemfile
gem 'active_model-better_errors', '>= 1.4.0'
# in console
bundle install
gem install active_model-better_errors
By default, active_model-better_errors
is a drop-in replacement for ActiveModel::Errors
and will mostly function without modifications. This is because the default reporters are set like the following:
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :message, :human
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :array, :human
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :hash, :human
If you want to output API friendly JSON / XML by default, you can use the following config.
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :message, :human
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :array, :machine
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :hash, :machine
Note: The configurations above determines default reporters to use, you can always switch to
any reporters you want during runtime by invoking errors.set_reporter
user.errors # returns an instance of ActiveModel::BetterErrors::Errors
# Use MachineArrayReporter to output API friendly error messages
user.errors.set_reporter(:array, :machine)
user.errors.to_a # API Friendly
user.errors.to_xml # API Friendly
# Use HumanArrayReporter to output Human friendly error messages.
# This is ActiveModel::Errors behavior
user.errors.set_reporter(:array, :human)
user.errors.to_a # Human Friendly
user.errors.to_xml # Human Friendly
# Use MachineHashReporter to output API friendly error messages
user.errors.set_reporter(:hash, :machine)
user.errors.to_hash # API Friendly
user.errors.as_json # API Friendly
user.errors.to_json # API Friendly
# Use HumanHashReporter to output Human friendly error messages.
# This is ActiveModel::Errors behavior
user.errors.set_reporter(:hash, :human)
user.errors.to_hash # Human Friendly
user.errors.as_json # Human Friendly
user.errors.to_json # Human Friendly
# Use MyHashReporter to output Human friendly error messages.
# This is ActiveModel::Errors behavior
user.errors.set_reporter(:hash, MyHashReporter)
user.errors.to_hash # custom behavior
user.errors.as_json # custom behavior
user.errors.to_json # custom behavior
This library creates three types of reporters to take care of
some presentation aspects of ActiveModel::Errors
, and they are:
Message Reporters
This is responsible for handling the following methods in ActiveModel::Errors
Due to the conventional use of these methods, they are mostly intended for human consumption.
This library implements the following reporters of this type:
Array Reporters
This is responsible for handling the following methods in ActiveModel::Errors
This library implements the following reporters of this type:
Hash Reporters
This is responsible for handling the following methods in ActiveModel::Errors
This library implements the following reporters of this type:
Creating a custom reporter is easy. Here is an example to create a hash reporter
class MyHashReporter < ActiveModel::BetterErrors::HashReporter
def to_hash
# you have access to #collection and #base
# set it to use it.
ActiveModel::BetterErrors.set_reporter :hash, MyHashReporter
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2013 Aaron Qian. See LICENSE.txt for further details.