A countdown timer that write the data into the localStorage of the browser. It's being used incase of: -You want to refresh the page and continue from where you left off. -You want to get notified when the time is up ( Event ) and trigger something.
$ npm install --save angularjs-2-localstorage-timer
A full-featured working example can be found when running in the root folder
Inisde node_modules/angularjs-2-localstorage-timer
npm install
npm start
In AngularJS 2.x we need to inject the timer into our component
constructor(private broadcaster: Broadcaster, private AppTimer : CountDownTimer) {
// this.AppTimer is our timer
// Init with properties ( inside our app.component.ts )
counter: 5,
interval: 1000,
id: "CountDownTest"
constructor(private broadcaster: Broadcaster, private AppTimer : CountDownTimer) {
// Events
this.broadcaster.on<string>('CountDownTimerChangeEvent').subscribe(message => {
console.log("[event] CountDownTimerChangeEvent");
this.broadcaster.on<string>('CountDownTimerEndEvent').subscribe(message => {
console.log("[event] CountDownTimerEndEvent");
Start/Resume the timer
<button ng-click="AppTimer.start()"> Start </button>
Stop our timer
<button ng-click="AppTimer.stop()"> Stop </button>
Restart the timer with the values given when creating the timer.
Timer won't start running, need to use start()
<button ng-click="AppTimer.restart()"> Restart </button>
Update one of the following parameters:
- id ( string )
- counter ( integer )
- interval ( integer )
The update action will:
- save the values into
as well - It won't restart the timer or take any other action, meaning: -- If we've updated the value while the timer is running - it will continue running from the new value
<button ng-click="AppTimer.update('counter', 120)"> Update </button>
Remove the timer entirly from LocalStorage
Remember that in order to continue from where we left off - the timer is always there ...
<button ng-click="AppTimer.destroy()"> Remove </button>
Will return the exiting counter value
this.counter = this.AppTimer.getCounter()
Or, live information via HTML
<pre>{{ AppTimer.getCounter() }}</pre>
Will return the "last updated" value that the timer has stored.
The value is a Date()
this.lastUpdate = this.AppTimer.getLastUpdate();
Or, live information via HTML
<pre>{{ AppTimer.getLastUpdate() }}</pre>
Return as JSON
all the possible information stored in LocalStorage
You can review all data when adding to the template:
this.timer_information = this.AppTimer.getInfo()
Or, live information via HTML
<pre>{{ AppTimer.getInfo() | json }}</pre>
So the reload()
isn't really there ... we need to write it on our own in our controller
If $scope.properties.id
- is already found in LocalStorage
- the timer will be reloaded with the last counter.
But if the id
isn't found, it will create a new timer.
reload() {
Re-create a new timer, overriding the existing timer with the new timer
recreate() {
console.log(this.CLASS, "recreate with", this.properties);