Visit Version v1 documentation as its recent smartcontracts.
Script to deploy ARA Token:
npx hardhat run ./scripts/000-deploy-ara-token.js --network NETWORK_NAME
ARA Token deployed to sepolia testnet address: 0x080f9A2FA8996d54ff62Ce841C9390Dc26f6dEf5
MAIN Token deployed to sepolia testnet address: 0x6B56DafFfA364E1163d5D6cD2487dBeFaE64D115
Minter of ARA deployed to sepolia testnet address: 0x6e7F3BD30c9aacFf37e07E790f156D95b52b0834
CHECK Token deployed to sepolia testnet address: 0xac95cFE35355C90765b5129F0AB1B890DE53bA22
--- Custom ARA Sangha tokens
Usd – used to test Stable coin with a smaller decimal than Wei.
Documentation to add collateral parameters on Chainlink Price Feed Docs
--- Custom ARA Sangha tokens
Documentation to add collateral parameters on Chainlink Price Feed Docs
ARA Token deployed to Base network: 0x040eEE6D8da3092381Bc9DFaB8fD4A0A9D8eEBDa
MAIN Token deployed to Base network: 0x58035DC04D0c05b43396a2d7436F87E5C9F380f6
Minter of ARA deployed to Base network: 0x2470aEf262166d338788Fef932dCeCCfdDC60206
CHECK Token deployed to Base network: 0x9C0aCC45CEcB50444c0Ce3f29e822fEFF64ff401
Contributor Deposit deployed to Base network: 0x82CB92b8492FA45b2AaF30d362B6E3feaC9c8E71
In the minter smartcontract:
- Set the ara token by calling
. - Set the check token by calling
. - Set the maintainer token by calling
Then the minter must accept the collaterals.
- Start accepting collateral by calling
. As thefeed
use the Chainlink PriceFeed address along with it's decimals. Only those who are paired to the USD.
For the native token use the address(0): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
In the Ara token, grant the Minter a Minter role.
Deploy Project Check
Deploy Project Maintainer
Set price setter in Check
Set collateral in Check
Set collateral price in Check
Set new project in Check
Optionally Deploy Addon
In the minter smartcontract:
- Set the ara token by calling
. - Set the check token by calling
. - Set the maintainer token by calling
Example deployed smartcontracts are:
– WEF (dao) token0x0011764BfeeB78859dD044023AF6b6b6e17715f7
– frog wars check token0x9e90f6ad0E1916995b8fd6A0AEE36732f7A2A20a
– frog wars maintainer token
Edit the deployment scripts and set the DAO contract address, and maintainer address
Script to deploy Maintainer Contract:
npx hardhat run ./scripts/004-deploy-project-main.js --network [network_name]
Script to deploy Check Contract:
npx hardhat run ./scripts/005-deploy-project-check.js --network [network_name]
Then verify the smartcontracts.
npx hardhat verify --network mainnet DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
Update wagmi config on the UI.
- First add the addresses and network in the
- Then, head to the
, and callnpm run wagmi
to re-generate the abi files.
Initiate a collateral
Addons for the projects, where every user requests specific type of the request.