The face recognition project using Raspberry pi and AWS backend compeleted as part of CSE546 coursework.
. Ashish Kumar Rambhatla (1215350552) . Chaitanya Prakash Poluri (1223158937) . Reethu C Vattikunta (1222619619)
-> Steps to run the code:
- Create docker image:
- docker build -t <image_name>:<version_number> .
- docker images – This will list all the created docker images.
- docker tag <local_image_tag> <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>
- docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password --region <aws_region>) <aws_ecr_repo_uri>
- docker tag <local_docker_image_id> <aws_ecr_repo_uri>:<image_version>
- docker push <AWS_ECR_REPO_URI>:<image_version>
- Create a table(students) in DynamoDB from AWS console with the attributes id, name, major, year and name as the partition key. Later add, few rows to the database.
- Create AWS Lambda function with the container image URI from AWS console.
- Copy file and requirements.txt file on to the Raspberry Pi desktop.
- Install the requirements using ‘pip3 install -r requirements.txt’
- Run the using ‘python3’