[CI] Continuous integration updated with Jenkins following GitHub migration
[Update] adni-to-bids
converter improvements: multiprocessing, less crashes, better display
[Update] Test folder for CI is reorganized
[Fix] pet-volume
: tsv needed for partial volume correction can now be used
[Fix] Bug where SPM Standalone could not be used in pipelines is now fixed
[Fix] Bug in aibl-to-bids
converter that could cause Clinica to crash is now fixed
[Fix] In t1-volume-existing-template, a better check is carried out on the group name
[Fix] The message "Assuming non interactive session since isatty found missing" has disappeared
[New] Clinica now handles cross sectional dataset by automatically proposing the user to convert it into a longitudinal dataset
[New] Implementation of a new multiclassification algorithm
[New] Improvement of information on crash display
[New] No Warning
messages are displayed
[New] Python dependencies are now freezed to ensure non regression
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