Visit the real daft-exprt github page for more information.
To make the above work in Colab, you will probably need access to Colab's terminal, which will require Colab pro [ This is probably removable, but I have no clue on how to do it ]
- Create a cell that does the following, and run it.
!wget -O
!chmod +x
!bash ./ -b -f -p /usr/local
- Run the following steps in the terminal
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda create -n daft_exprt python=3.8 -y
conda activate daft_exprt
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install montreal-forced-aligner
pip install -r pip_requirements.txt
pip install pyworld
pip install -e ../.[pytorch] --find-links
make MFA_pretrained
conda install ipykernel
That's it! When running scripts, please use:
instead of python, and the jupyter notebook itself does not "really" work yet.
It's generally recommended to use the GPU only on the actual model training.
Main Changes:
- Changed REAPER to pyworld, so that GLIBC 2.29 errors are avoided
- Updated MFA install to most recent version, which changes some parameters
- Found a solid method of getting conda with environments 'working' [ Can we just support it? ]