AuShadha (औषध): Means medicine in Sanskrit. This is A Public Health Management System with Django back end and Dojo front end optimised for Indian Primary Health Setup but extensible and/or applicable elsewhere
AuShadha code is licensed under GNU-GPL Version 3
Activate Python VirtualEnv
source bin/activate
from the python_env directory -
go to src/AuShadha directory
cd src/AuShadha
python runserver
Use your browser to navigate to http://localhost:8000/
- I plan to develop the Clinic, Patient, Physician, Nurse modules first.
- Visit Module will be next followed by Clinical Exam, Investigations, Procedure, Discharge, Prescription
- Stock and Pharmacy will follow.
- Allergy and Incident Reports next
- Admission Module will follow.
- Specific public health modules like Paediatrics, Neonatology, Gynaecology/ Obstetrics will be last as by then the interdependencies will be solved
Suggestions and participation are welcome.
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