Udacity - Logs Analysis Project
This is a project assigned by Udacity as a part of the Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree program. In this project, our task is to create a reporting tool that prints out reports based on the data in the database. This reporting tool is a Python program using the PostgreSQL database and Vagrant file settings to run a VM server to run the database.
• Python3
• Vagrant
• VirtualBox
1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
2.Download or Clone [fullstack-nanodegree-vm](http://https://github.com/udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vm) repository.
3. Download the data from [here](https://d17h27t6h515a5.cloudfront.net/topher/2016/August/57b5f748_newsdata/newsdata.zip).
4. Unzip this file after downloading it. The file inside is called newsdata.sql .
5. Copy the newsdata.sql file and content of this current repository, by either downloading or cloning it from [Here](https://github.com/arbidha/Log_Analysis)
1. Launch the Vagrant VM inside Vagrant sub-directory in the downloaded fullstack-nanodegree-vm repository using command:
$ vagrant up
2. Then Log into this using command:
$ vagrant ssh
3. Change directory to cd /vagrant and look around with ls.
1. Load the data in local database using the command:
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
The database includes three tables:
○ The authors table includes information about the authors of articles.
○ The articles table includes the articles themselves.
○ The log table includes one entry for each time a user has accessed the site.
2. Use psql -d news to connect to database.
3. Create view popular_article_view using:
CREATE VIEW popular_article_view AS
SELECT title ,count(*) AS views
FROM articles a
JOIN log l
ON a.slug = substring(l.path,10)
order by 2 desc ;
4. Create view error_log_view using:
CREATE VIEW error_log_view AS
SELECT date(time) AS errortime ,round(100.0 * SUM(
CASE log.status WHEN '200 OK'
/count(log.status),2) AS error_percent
FROM log
GROUP BY date(time)
ORDER BY error_percent DESC;
1. From the vagrant directory inside the virtual machine,run log_analysis.py
$ python log_analysis.py